The Glenn Beck Program

All Genres #134News #17News Commentary #4

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

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Recent Reviews
  • funny j da
    Best show out there.
    There’s nothing better than my daily fusion of entertainment and enlightenment
  • CR Lucero
    Great information & insight!
    One of the first places I go to get the unfiltered facts and an edge for processing through what it might mean for my day to day. Great information and solid insight!
  • SoCal Rep
    Must Hear
    The Glen Beck program is a daily source of information that I learn about facts not heard from anywhere else
  • YourAntonym
    Decades of Information
    Glenn is the man. His show is incredible, funny, and logical. Worth every minute.
  • Tired Teach.
    Top Notch
    Such an amazing program and company. Keep it up. God bless
  • Jwiebers
    Glenn Beck University
    I so appreciate this fusion of entertainment and enlightenment!
  • Northern Arizona Bob
    Definitely Fantasyland
    When the drop-dead gorgeous Gal Gadot (Evil Queen) is told by the magic mirror that Rachel Zegler (the opposite of classic Snow White) is the fairest in the land, this is beyond Disney’s ability to convince anyone, even while standing inside Fantasyland
  • atjsaj
    Interview: Liz Truss
    The interview with Liz Truss was very good. Very insightful.
  • Hopeful🦋
    Love Liz Truss❣️
    Please have her back. Very informative 🤗
    Evil on our boarder
    So we have judges in collusion with the violence in south and Central America. They must be impeached!
  • Insidious19
    Used to listen
    Does Beck have the balls to disagree with Daddy Trump on anything anymore? I get the sense that Beck is afraid to…which is pathetic if true
  • Clemson4416
    Glenn Beck Program
    I used to really enjoy Glen Beck when he was on TV. I do not know what has happened at this moment but his Podcast is HORRIBLE. It takes him 20 minutes to actually start to talk about a subject. You would never know this Podcast was political. Beck seems to think it is some try out at the Laugh House. All he does is smirk and laugh and play sound bites of music like he is in some morning radio drive time at 8:99 am? Everything is some inside joke and the voices he tries to imitate. It is insufferable. I live FOX and am a Republican but his podcast is absolutely useless. Simply horrible. I hate to have to write this review. As I am writing it I am shaking my head how bad it is. He just thinks he is some comedian or something. I gave it a one star and that is overrating is greatly. I am stunned how bad it is. I listened to 3 different podcasts just in case I listened to him when he was having an off day. I had to change the podcast 30 minutes into it EACH AND EVERY TIME. Sorry guys but it is simply unlistenable.
  • Colorado Momma T
    It is so refreshing to listen to you Glen and your guests. It's comforting to know I'm not alone in hoping and praying for the good of our country and her leaders. The depth of guests is incredible. Kid Rock was fabulous. Who knew? Keep it coming friend,
  • 2harrisons
    Cowboys and Yellowstone
    I just finished listening to your discussion about oil and cowboy life and the Yellowstone series. But that's not really what it was about at all, was it?!! I found your words to ben so moving and I loved it!! You are blessed with an amazing way with words and I m so grateful to have found you so many years ago. I refer err m FF And hey Glenn.... I'm still not tired of winning.
  • grtamer
    Great content
    I'd totally listen to this every day if not for the radio format of the show. It's jam packed with ad breaks every 5-10 minutes which really distorts the flow.
  • Bindi 1
    Thank you for the honesty and thoughtfulness in a world full of so many things that have gone off the rails. When you feel like you have slipped into the “Twilight Zone”, it’s comforting to hear a voice of reason.
  • philboshell2
    So Many Ads
    I really like Glenn but he needs to change the name of his podcast to “The Glenn Beck Ad Read Program”
  • the last trucker
    Glenn’s decent .
    He has gone from rightly criticizing Alex Jones to becoming Alex jones . I guess money is more important to Glenn than the truth .
  • Mattala R Meeshel
    Truth in a Confused World
    I love the Glenn Beck program he has such an amazing array of people on his platform(s) His guests are not limited to what he believes in he allows many viewpoints even atheist. If you can intelligently articulate and defend your point he will open his phone lines, or his platform to share it with his audience. It is a valuable resource of information. I used to watch for free. Now, as long as I am able, I will have a paid subscription.
  • IDSgt56
    The Best Thing
    The best thing about listening to The Glenn Beck Show on podcast is the fast forward button. Between the incessant advertising and Glenn’s paranoid trips down the countless rabbit holes he dives into concerning AI, it’s the only way to get to content that most people listen for.
  • iWoz2
    Gin shots hard
    Stu is tonic to Gin Beck
  • iPreach 🎤
    Jesus is coming back, repent and be ready, you can’t live for Jesus and Satan choose what side your in, true Christian’s don’t use foul language. Kendrick Lamar mocks Jesus Christ with a crown of thorns bleeding in his concerts.
  • Food4Thought2
    The Death of Common Sense
    I remember you once talked about how important the balance of power was between the branches of government, how the executive branch since FDR has moved towards unbalance and was becoming too powerful. Yet you sit here now and no longer speak of Thomas Paine, The Constitution, or balance of power but praise a man who will destroy the house from within to sell more ads on a podcast.
  • Small Time Dude
    Breaking Up The FBI, An Important “Must Do” (Neil Sedaka-Revised)
    You’ve taken freedom, away from me, You’ve kept us living, in misery, Your A.I. actions, have made us blue, An FBI break up, is the thing to do! Poor Jan. Sixers, could not fight! You arrested them, all thru the night, Jail time, no trial, you’ve put them thru, Breading you up, is a ”must-Do” CHORUS They say that breaking you up, Is the thing to do, Much corruption, it’s very true! Confirming Kash, a definite win! Tired of closing our eyes, We’re cleaning out this den! Good riddance, you’ve deserved, a good-bye, We’re giving Trump, a welcomed try! Now’s the time to start anew, Breaking up the FBI, he’ll see it thru!
  • tom from Lagrange
    Tom from Lagrange ky.
    I’ve been listening for years and years and agreed with it all
  • Bam3210
    Check your sources
    Just another rage baiting caricature of a journalist. What a shame.
  • Bart from Allen Tx
    People Angels Deamons
    Another great interview, your show is awesome!
  • Anne of Greenish Gables
    Always right on target
    Glenn hits the nail on the head w deep insight and appropriate humor. He is generally 100% correct in hindsight!
  • Volleyball loves ice-cream
    John Stram
    Wow amazing, everyone needs to what he has to say about January 6.
  • SongbirdZi
    Great show
    Glenn I love your show and have been listening for years. The new intro music is great, however that bird of prey… lol
  • MosquitoSwarm
    Griftin’ ain’t easy,huh Glenn?!
    Liar, hypocrite, traitor.
    King Randall
    Mr.Beck At 75 I am exhausted listening to the accomplishments of that young person. Thank you for presenting him and his programs to the world Good Bless Bruce/ Grand Rapids , Michigan
  • Foggy2Sunny
    Great show Glenn
    I used to listen to your radio show in San Francisco, of all places, decades ago… When is Mayorkas going to be charged with crimes against humanity? BTW, he is an appointed Biden official in charge of Homeland Security, that being said, why are unidentified drones flying over mid Atlantic states? The open border and the Chinese spy ballon are other examples of this administrations purposeful attempt to disrupt ,devalue and decay our countries security, while endangering THE tax paying citizens.
  • JennG1222
    Getting back to balance
    I very much appreciated not only that you brought on Anna K from TYT, but that you both engaged in level-headed and mutually respectful conversation. As a MAGA American, I’m very much interested in our country getting back to balance (something the establishment has worked hard to destroy). I think this interview and your approach (“welcome to my home”) is exactly what this country needs to move towards healing, and to see that we have much more in common than we’ve been told. Thank you so very much for this. It made my heart smile.
  • wumbologyexpert
    Not colonel sanders
    Podcast thumbnail had me thinking this would be about KFC
  • awbluemoon
    Also can no longer download
    Agree with sneary71 - I've listened to this podcast for years through iTunes and about a month ago it stopped downloading, it's like the URL is not connecting... all of my other podcasts work fine.
  • The Fish321
    Won’t play
    My podcasts won’t play it just spins and times out it started after the last update.
  • sneary71
    Can't download
    Any one else having issues downloading the podcast in iTunes? Used to download daily, then a few weeks ago it just stopped working! All other podcasts download fine.
  • cant hear well
    9 to 5
    Does anyone else hear the opening drums of the GB program and immediately start singing, “Tumble out of bed and stumble to kitchen . . . ?”
  • Ranger@4702
    He needs to shut up!
  • Kev-X
    Daily Dose
    I have been listening to Glen since 2008 when I discovered him on AM radio during my long commute to work. following him on Am. radio, SiriusXM, and now podcasts, he never fails to understand what’s going on in the country and gives us hope for the future. I am so impressed by his work with mercury one and the Nazarene fund as well. He gives back to the community and literally is saving lives all over the world.
  • T. A. Robbins
    Glenn Beck is legendary!
    Glenn Beck has been one of the greatest conservative visionaries and I have been listening to him since Laura Schlesinger was taken off my radio station. He knows history and understands progressives like no one else. He talks to his audience like we are friends. But Marc Levin is not only a constitutional expert but also a great historian like Beck. I can’t pick a favorite. They are both awesome patriots!
  • Cathie z
    I too wonder why it’s called immaculate constellation
  • Levin Junkie
    Can’t listen anymore
    The number of ads on your show and podcast make this unlistenable. Almost like you’ve become a grifter, Glenn. 25 minutes of ads per hour is just intolerable.
  • AndreaMila3
    Hard to Listen To
    This guy is a kook, he is insanely hypocritical while pushing his own beliefs as the only beliefs. Do everyone a favor, just try to leave religion out of political discussions. Seems like you have nothing to stand on without it. It’s so interesting to hear religious people claim that democrats are attempting to push religion on people, I’ll never understand that when the people you have voted for are mandating prayer and the 10 commandments in classrooms 🙄 regardless of your beliefs, do yourself a favor and don’t waste your time on this podcast.
  • 70 x 7
    Glenn Beck better than Levin.
    Since Mark Levin mostly rants & raves these days, I tune into Glenn Beck more than Levin. I just cannot stand all the screaming and constant disrespect of people, even if they are liberal, it just hurts my spirit. So I tune into Levin, but also tune him out many times & just go to Glenn Beck. I know that the liberals are horrible people, and conservatives already know this, and don’t like hearing Levin scream and curse, especially every night about the media.
  • Anlan2024
    My cats didn’t vote for Kamala 😂😂😂 love your show hate your hate for cats 😊 I rescue cats send more love 😻
  • Teg S.
    A big thank you to Glen Beck for his relentless effort in helping our country recognize the truth, which led to one of the most important political victories in history. I hope that President Trump sees the importance of utilizing Glen as an advisor and confidant. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!🥰🇺🇸🙏
  • Thomas s 23
    Censoring and canceling
    These episodes rarely play, especially ones that might be deemed controversial by the govt or the left. Is Glenn becks podcast being censored?
  • Deplorable76
    Heck yeah!!! Love you too, brother!!
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