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Dan22##Good god this guy is dumbAnd he wants you to be even dumber.
Shermandidn’tgofarenoughDementiaIf you don’t have a GED but do have schizophrenia and enjoy completely ignoring reality while being a fascist trying to ruin America for the benefit of a Russian traitor president, this is the best podcast you could ever listen to! Seriously the best!
PittyPat63ScaryHe looks like the first bust statue that they made for Ronaldo
BBBetterthanthisCome onIs this the kind of man you want to be? Crying about how people waving rainbow flags who want to include others are oppressing you? Try protecting and defending people being bullied by insecure guys who need to get a purpose. It’s time to level up and be a real man. Stand up for women and children, the poor and disabled instead of spending your time whining.
Booker356TrashNothing but misinformation and rhetoric.
DocKDcCMisinformationOne of the biggest spreaders of misinformation
gamerrr23JUST STRAIGHT UP TRUTH!Charlie is so intelligent and wise. All of this is just truth. Thankful for his work in America. Keep it up.
tlc919Excellent podcastYou’re awesome, Charlie! Keep up the good work!
Anonymous63758Not greatI mean, not good not entertaining just kind of getting beat up
Nickname here 0_0Great debater MAGAtard manbabyCK is a great debater. He talks about controversial topics and knows how to break down someone’s argument. Other than that, it’s clear he’s another sheep. How do you know? All the sheep wear red hats.
Im lowkey just that guy 69What a Donkey🫏
mikewestsideSmallest eyes I've ever seenIncredible
Mel_B15Amazing PodcastCharlie thank you for your boldness and obedience in Jesus. You are making a difference for the Kingdom. Bless you brother.
Tenino, WashingtonGive it a try!As a 20 year old Christian Hispanic female in the aviation industry, which I might add is primarily male, I am outcasted by a lot of people. Charlie has provided insightful and meaning education. I don’t want to say that it is information because it’s not, it’s educational and based on facts. People have been manipulated by the left for too long and it’s causing a division across the country. People are no longer just democrats, but they are radical now. Charlie is trying to help educate the younger generation because my generation likes to believe everything they see on their phones or in the news when indeed a lot of it is fake. Keep up the good work and continue to share God’s gracious and caring love through what you do!!
JWS2KExcellentHe’s informed speaks clearly and has common sense.
CR2277Charlie Kirk is amazing!!!Charlie Kirk is amazing!!! Just love how you are leading the charge for truth! The world without truth teller’s like yourself would be maddening! When Biden took office I lost my family! He campaigned under the idea of ‘unity’ but he divided the country even more than it was! The statement that ‘Covid was a disease of the unvaccinated’ caused my daughter to tell me I was not to talk to her until I took the shot! She hasn’t talked to me since! Worse yet she is a nurse and most of my other kids ended up taking the shot based on her beliefs! I would imagine there are millions of families that are divided just like mine, thanks to Biden’s talking points and politics! The Democrats are now the party of division, the end of free speech and insanity! People on the left no longer can even calmly talk about issues without getting angry! Charlie Kirk you have chosen to meet the problem head on taking the conversation to college campuses where our youth have been indoctrinated by the left by the education system that was funded by United State taxpayers, and the corrupt main stream media! Keep up the good work Charlie! I find great hope in that many young people are starting to wake up, thanks to great people like you!!! God bless you Charlie!!! Keep up the good work the ‘wolf’ is still waiting at our front door! We need many more republicans in congress in two years or ‘Trump’ will be limited in his last two years! Our country is at war for our survival and I’m sure it will take more than 4 years to turn it around! Hoping that JD Vance can pick up the torch!
BluebeadsTrashTrash media.
Daly DFantastic Job!God Bless you for the greatest boldness and bravery action you have taken in educating and opening our young generation’s eyes. When are you going to run for governor? California needs one.
HookemhomesBoomerI saw you on Jack Hibbs Wednesday evening on Happening Now. As usual, you were as enlightening as ever. I had to chuckle at the Boomer reference because I am a Boomer who thankfully was reared in a faith-filled home and still adheres to my Salvation by Christ-alone roots and conservative values. Thank you for all you do to advance HIS kingdom ✝️ and help save this country.
#standwithjoeCCCHThank you! Eye opening!
Small Time DudePolitical Security Concerns Appear Flexible!Democrat senatorial outrage, fabricated, to be clear! Designed to create public doubt and fear! Four years of an incompetent Biden, yeah, past cheers, Classified documents and codes, no complaints to hear! A Trump team that showed dignity and respect! In spite of Dems’ discourteous outbursts, to inject! Recalling critical quietness, with the past Biden elect! Dems’ presentations plastic, after four years of neglect!
dalapjWaltzHe should be a man and resign. Take responsibility realize you may have lost the trust of every person on that call as well as the American people.
Trail_MakerMaking a difference!Please come make a difference in California! We need help!!
Tupperware Torpedo!The TruthThank you for fighting for us all
Laxguy1617Love it!While I definitely think Charlie goes a bit far on some subjects, he knows his stuff.
Ethan M. LTo all the trolls complaining about CharlieAll of the people who leave one star reviews make me sick. Like don’t you have anything better to do than drag Charlie’s good name through the dirt. As a 17 year old Republican, I love who Charlie is and what he stands for. I listen to his podcast every day, and the people hopping over here and giving him one star reviews are just proving more why they lost.
ColoradokdDesignsEvery state, every county!Maybe you should talk about taking the individual states back.
029483Never heard a bad take from this guy.This guy pisses off a lot of people but he has facts and evidence for all of his claims.
.AnOnym0us.Charlie is my GOATI am a young conservative woman and you have made me brave enough and well informed to be able to talk about my political beliefs
jaaaacccckkkkkStupidWatching you taking the judge thing seriously. What are you going to do????? Your party sold regular people out! So sick!
7.3 turbo dieselNo support for IsraelI’m in full support of everything Charlie does, but you need to quit advocating for Israel. Almost makes me wonder if AIPAC is funding this show. Israel is more than capable of caring for itself. As a Christian just bc Christianity started there doesn’t mean that my tax dollars need to go fund pointless wars overseas. Jesus is King no matter who controls Juda or Palestine.
KaromccThanksI enjoy listening to you, Charlie and your level headed approach to reaching the younger generation. Your calm, respectful tone draws respect. Keep up the great work!
PROUDFELON🤙🏼Gavin newscumGavin is a hater he’s a child cutting you off trying to twist what your saying then telling you that u can’t even run for president I hope you do one day an show him up ! GAVINS A HATER
NeyokaSmug NonsenseThe Charlie Kirk Show is a nonstop stream of smug, misinformed garbage. It’s all outrage, no substance, and barely worth the brain cells it kills.
OH WoodworkerZionist neoconWhat has Israel done to be our “greatest ally”? And no it’s not the same Israel as in the Bible, how can you cheer for ending the Ukraine war and then fail to condemn aggression in the middle east. Our “greatest ally” wants to drag us into war with Iran.
Asher Martinez111AWESOME POD😎Charlie is my hero. My brother is on TP USA high squad and he has went to pretty much every single TTpUSA event plus they also have a chapter
Ksuite77Thank youFor your commitment to truth, this country and your values. Grateful you pioneered and connected with you. A whole new, epic wave in the world!
Jennily411Right propagandaHe dropped of out college and primarily debates college students. He is just another MAGA spreading propaganda and misinformation.
KwrockgirlRight wing garbageWho needs this garbage?
kyloginThought crimesI have never heard of this show. I do not watch television and have not for years!
VietSchlongAmerica First, not Israel FirstI like you Charlie but you need to realize the judeans are not our friends
Idk how I feel abt himA little hypocriticalIdk I could be wrong but I feel like he idolizes the left a little like with that guy who go his green card revoked because he sides with terrorist but all he did was pass out flyers and he Charlie was trying to say it was right to do that but if we talked about Jan 6th and people who did nothing were persecuted than we can’t say they’re wrong. Idk I just feel like it’s a little hypocritical other than that he’s a good person but I like Candace Owen’s show better
Branden is trashCoolCool
CindraEllaGHOW ON EARTH!I recently stumbled across this podcast and I am enjoying it immensely. My question is how do you remain composed when doing these college tours and how do most of these kids get into college? I get so frustrated just listening. I guess my dad was right back in the 80’s…most with a college degree have no common sense. Thank you for saying what I’m thinking and feeling.
Self_Assured_314Love is blind commentaryI’m one of those idiots that watches LIB lol I’m so glad Charlie commented about the spineless male that wouldn’t defend his faith or his values. I couldn’t stand him or his “ fiancé” . Nobody wants a grown man who is unclear about his values. That guy just embarrassed himself and his church on television!! It was hard to watch!
1391The Charlie KirkJust facts, very astute, love the way he presents himself and the truth!
Jess7175DNFEverything about this was terrible- 20 minutes I will never get back
Dave KurtGreat JobGreat show, thanks for all your hard work.
Amy Mac 16No.Laughable misinformation and identity denial (he clearly loves men; terribly sad his self-loathing won’t let him live his truth).
Steezy CExtremely BiasedTried to give this a listen. Charlie Kirk is incredibly biased and fails to see any compromise or middle ground. He’s pretty much a slave to his right winged rhetoric.
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