Mark Levin Podcast

All Genres #205News #29News Commentary #8

Mark Levin is one of the hottest talk radio hosts in America. A prominent conservative commentator, best-selling author and constitutional scholar, Mark offers fresh takes on daily news headlines and dissects important events of the day. Heard weeknights on nearly 400 radio stations, Levin is loved in every corner of America. He cuts through the noise with his passion and intellect, often saying things others won’t. Or as Mark himself would declare: “That’s right. I said it!”

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Recent Reviews
    Angry Old Man with Cough
    Maybe take a cough pill and clear your throat before the show? You make the audio quite poor on this show. Your three hours of old man speak (talking very softly that quickly turns into emotional shouting like a crazed old man) is really disturbing. There are other conservative hosts that deliver the information far better than the likes of you. Yeah, that’s right - I said it! You don’t need to shout to make your point. Oh, and keep on telling the audience of how you work 24/7. You’re a has-been. Just admit it.
  • Reviewnamekr
    I like the podcast but
    Wish you would focus more on domestic policy and not loudly clear your throat every few seconds. (Mute the mic!) It sounds like you have really bad post nasal drip and should get it treated. Constantly trashing populists and non-interventionalists is getting old too. Sometimes you are indistinguishable from Bill Kristol
  • atjsaj
    Great but frustrating
    It’s a radio show sent out as a podcast. Far too many ads. I don’t want to hear a ten minute dissertation on ratings. Once sidetracked on ratings he drones on and on.
  • Deke1776
    All bull.
    Just another blathering talking head.
  • Pamela7644
    Marbury, courts
    Informative show. Great. Thank you Mark for all you do.
  • Stantastic00
    So many errors.
    You undereducated “lawyer”! Cholera is an intestinal infection. It does not cause coughing. But someone who tells us that CO2 is used in osmosis, has zero credibility. It’s photosynthesis that plants utilize to convert CO2 to O2. I always believed that a JD required basic science education going into Law School. Obviously not. You discredit yourself every time you rage. This had to be said. Your books are worthless… but keep up your, supposed, exhaustive creativity. We see you when your computer fails. Zero intellect, without a crutch. You’re nothing more than a little Napoleon syndrome fool.
  • Coolasshiz
    Why aren't you calling out Candace Owens and her ilk for their dangerous spreading of antisemitism, and Elon Musk for allowing X to have become an enormous cesspool of Jew hatred. You have no backbone.
  • DoTheMath45
    Fallen Angel
    Mark Levin is no longer The Great One. Every show 2-17-25 to 2-21-25 was incoherent and angry. Angry at what? He had some gripes but did not speak coherently. He seemed confused and irrational. Is Levin now an anti-Trumper on the right? He never liked Populism, failing to recognize it as the best alternative to Socialism and Communism that can win elections.
  • NotU2?!?!
    I’ve been a listener and watcher of Mark since 2008. It was when Obama proclaimed his goal of “transformation” without honest explanation, and I didn’t have the words to explain how anti Constitution Obama was. Mark has given me a depth of understanding that no book, article, neighbor, could. Mark is honest, real, and sincerely concerned for the next generations.
  • holdenolive
    On the verge
    I respect your intelligence, experience, and insight. I understand your passion. However, this is an audio format. It is extremely off-putting to hear you yelling for half the podcast. As you know, your voice is not exactly the best for radio so when you raise your voice, it sounds like screeching and it is quite off-putting, and it becomes irrelevant what you are saying because you just gave me a headache. You can make your point without screaming and your message would be much more well received. I don’t know how much of your histrionics I can deal with anymore. And your attacks against people’s physical characteristics is immature and should be far beneath you
  • ronbulldog1
    Tremendous Patriot
    In all my 88 years of life, I have never heard anyone that is more patriotic as Mark Levin. I am so inspired and proud of the country I live in and enjoy listening to such an all around common sense and all around knowledgeable American citizen who knows our history and our constitution like the back of his hand. I love listening to the National Anthem at the beginning of every one of his podcasts. Keep up the good work Mark. I am a huge fan of yours.
  • Small Time Dude
    California’ “Golden Calf”
    California’s Moses (Gavin Newsom), is protecting the “Golden Calf” (Climate Change ultimatums)! Rahm Emanuel, Ex-Chicago Mayor, once said, “Never Let a crisis go to waste”! When fire destruction occurs, we focus, as we should, on the needs of the affected people! However, for the “Politically Cognizant”, this exclusive focus, could provide a “gaslighting effect”, and shield, for addressing causes and needed changes! What if Moses had said, “You folks can keep the calf, we’ll deal with that later”! Gavin is responsible for controlling the “worship” of this “Idol”!😎
  • Wideopenwally
    Coup de'tate
    Soros and other Khazarian false Hebrews are the problem, not the true Israel, not the chosen people but Offspring of Cain Where does it stop? Omnibus bills are not legislation. Republicans play the same game. We need the Whitehouse. We need the Senate. We need the Congress. We had it under Paul Ryan, the fake resistance Uniparty. Sequoia Capital and Blackrock, Vanguard Chinavested influence on Legislatures. This resistance by socialist Russia Eastern European "jews@ not the true Israel. The Babylonian origins like that of actual Islamists although 1000+ year later. The Pharisee Jews killed Christ, aligned with Rome and now run Holloywoid and the subjects of the Holocaust by Hitler and others. Not sure how it got this way but this is the way, Yiddish is the proletariat language while pure HEBREW was Bosguiesse See!!
  • stephenisstilleatin
    The great book pusher!
    Coming to you from his under ground bunk bed he shares with Kevin McCarthy! Irritated from the sand in your panties I’m sure from Mike Johnson being speaker again! Matt Gaetz exposed u as a gop establishment non maga!
  • The_duck_taper
    He’s a real guy
    Mark is a real guy. The show suffers when he’s in pain/discomfort. This past leg injury almost made me stop listening… the show turned garbage! But Mark is back in stride now. - His app is terrible but will work in a pinch. - The podcast is usually updated 30min after the show but isn’t always. - Extra shows are now being posted on his thread… I’ve skipped all of them so far. But that’s for another review.
  • NewsieGal
    STOP YELLING And on TV! Geez, Mark!
    WHY do you yell so loud & so much, Mark. I literally have to MUTE my tv when you start yelling bc you keep getting louder. WHY?? Is it for affect or what? Bongino does the same thing & we had to stop listening to his podcast bc of the yelling. Pls try to get your point across by NOT yelling. Thank you!
  • tunahothottuna
    Great podcast to stay informed
    Love this podcast it’s always interesting and informative. My late mother listened at the kitchen table for years. Please let frequent caller Jimmy from Brooklyn host a show when Mark is absent Jimmy as a fill in will blow away any other stand ins Hands down a font of information that Mark’s listeners will appreciate over the other headline readers.
  • Timbal tims
  • colonelhughes
    Mr Constitution
    Mark is rock solid. Analytical, accurate, succinct and entertaining. What Mark does on the radio is difficult and he makes it look easy. Mark is a gem.
  • Ahtiggep
    My political guru
    I cut my political teeth on Levin; was hooked from the beginning because I’ve learned more history and legal theory from him than I ever did in school, including college. His books are incredible and thought-provoking as well. And he loves America as much as I do!
  • pinging pigeon
    Matt Gaetz
    Mark, considering the Gaetz track record for possible sex trafficking, and his role in unseating Kevin McCarthy, how can President Trump nominate Gaetz for Attorney General (with a straight face)?
  • LivLaMountain
    One of the best podcasts there is!
    Mark is a true American patriot. I enjoy his take on the headlines of the day. His love for this country shows greatly.
  • mirelee5
    Early votes
    What happens to the early votes if the candidate dies before November 5?
  • arthousecleaner
    very informative and accurate-
    Love the pod and especially Mark- He is such a wonderful truth teller- I never thought this would be something I would enjoy so much- Bravo and let’s keep the truth alive-
  • Meatballss
    A constitutional genius!! Another man touched by the hand of God!!! Thank you Mark!!!
  • Chkwgn
    He Sounds like a dictator to me!!!
  • Free Patriot Tim
    ILA strike
    Dear sir, I couldn’t agree with you more. ‘nough said. Talk about mafia thugs!
  • Los Altos 88
    Feel better Mark!
    Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  • Fellow Sagittarian
    I wish there was a way to make everyone in the US listen to the 9/14 podcast - Mark is amazing and speaks common sense we all need to hear. My prayers for your quick recovery, I need to listen to Mark every day.
  • Tybur95
    This show is a MUST listen for any Patriotic American
    Informative, Honest, Straightforward, ect. Best conservative podcast out there right now. There will never be anyone like RUSH. But this show is pretty darn close! Good work M!
  • blue80217
    Thank you so much Mark
    My name is Mary and I am very sick with Cancer and also just lost my 3rd and last child. You Mark keep me going. You are old school like myself. Thank you for all your heart for our country. God bless you and keep you safe.
  • Boilingrug
    It’s just boring…DEMOCRAT…DEI( YOU KNOW what they mean 😉) COMMIES….blah blah blah. Lazy and boring.
  • monabeez
    Genius and the most insightful
    Thank you for teaching us what we need to know. You are a true Constitutional American and the best Patriot. I want to know what you know therefore I will keep listening. I feel your emotion and understand your urgency to get us knowledgeable. I hear what you are saying to us. I am not hardly politically savvy but I hear it and I appreciate you sir!
  • dk1301371
    I am grateful to Mark for my knowledge received
    I have been a frequent listener to Mark for over a decade and like a good friend, appreciate his skills of delivering honest insightful education and opinions. He is one of the best of teaching the foundation of the constitution related to current events. I learn of constitutional history and current intersecting news of US government operations. Mark is good at separating his opinions from historical facts when discussing issues in motion.
  • empa5
    Lose the buzzwords
    How about, instead of using all the buzzwords the Maga crowd searches for to reaffirm their biases, you actually go beyond “woke” and “socialist” and try to actually dive into truth. I’m so tired of the same old rhetoric and wish (in either side) people would start waking up. For example, your entire take on Israel Gaza is so predictable. Their (US//CIA//MOSAD)’s knowledge and orchestrated response to October 7th has been completely revealed now… but will you address that level of corruption and speak to the truth about money / power mongering at the expense of tens of thousands of Palestinians lives? Probably not. I’ll pass.
  • Jim Matsco
    I love the constitution
    Mark, helps me to understand how important our constitutional rights are. I am already a strong constitutionalist, and Mark supports my belief with historic facts and pure knowledge how our constitution was built and why. Awesome Guy, awesome podcast.
  • ViktorGee
    Great Show
    Love to hear You Mark! Keep it up. Mark, hate to see FOX go the woke road, but it appears they have You have the only show over there I will keep watching! Victor G Crockett retired US Army SF(Abn). 🇺🇸 May God Bless You and Yours and America !!!!!
  • jaaaacccckkkkk
    Why so many commercials?
    Just asking, it seems like way to much.
  • P0d10v3r
    Lies. Hate. Evil. Never thought a person could be so happy treading in every form of sickness and hatred and discrimination and perversion, until listening to this “man”.
    Levin has exposed himself as a RINO deepstater
    Mark Levin is Israel First, Not America First. A globalist thay is a staunch defender of a genocidal war criminal Bibi. The fact that Levin after Kevin McCarthy’s failure to hold promises and to fight against liberal agenda supports Kevin is a strong sign how corrupt and establishment Levin is. If you listen to Levin you are a RINO
  • CAArmyBrat
    Want to Learn?
    I never miss Mark’s podcast. Over the years, I have learned from Mark’s infinite wisdom. He is passionate about our Constitution. He is passionate about Liberty and the gifts given to this country by its Framers. Thank you, Mark, for all you do to keep me, and millions of others, informed on a daily basis.
  • Apple is China's best friend
    He’s okay on some issues. But he is a total Zionist shill. Says he is American but he will support Israel over the united states any day. Is he a dual citizen? Where does his his loyalty really lie? MOSSAD (Israeli’s CIA) motor is, “by way f deception thou shalt make war.” Don’t really trust him. Trump said that “Israel owns US Congress and rightfully so.” Makes one think.
  • Paulsux
    God Bless You!!!
    I am so grateful that you are in the United States and on a podcast because this nation needs you now more than ever before. I’ve listened to you for many years and find you to be one of the smartest, most determined and honest people in this country. You speak the truth, even when it hurts. Please keep on doing what you were doing, and may you live a super long life!
  • Falloon
    NPR for Israel
    Every show is littered with Israel talk. Even his fox shows on the weekend are mostly Israel centered. I’m done. He’s a brilliant guy but let’s keep it mostly domestic. Also what is the difference with you calling everything antisemitic and the left calling everything racist.
  • SnowStar09
    The most truthful news and current events
    Mark Levin provides a constitutional prospective on today’s current events. A real scholar. I get more intelligent every time I listen to Mark.
  • ry//5
    Boring show
    mouthpiece. For a foreign government
  • Webduo
    Informed X 10
    I admit that I fell into the trap of listening to sound bites that just played to my frustration with the inaction of our elected officials. Levin always lays it out in such a logical way and I continue to learn and grow. Thank you for bringing on Speaker Johnson as it changed my perspective and yes, today I learned once again.
  • stoic mom
    Mark and Larry National Treasures
    Love Mark but Larry was cleared hot and was over the target about three seconds in. Glad he got national exposure. We need both voices.
  • T Fitz.
    Great podcast!
    Great podcast! Thank you, Mark! Please explain to us why Jews will vote Democrat in the Biden era?!!!
  • JGA /EGA
    James andreoli
    Marc I love ya .I been to multiple book signings When Trump said it looks like the police officer killed George Floyd.!! You said I’m the cleanup hitter! Let’s wait till all the information comes out that’s what you did during Michael Brown! But when Trump said it looks like that police officer killed that man, you said the same thing! You followed Trump all over the hill instead of continuing to be the man you are! Look at Minnesota burning That was your former position! I need you to apologize for this. It’s so hard to listen to you because you will not write your wrongs.! just a Trump won’t write his wrongs! He let Jarrett Kushner take the lead on Black Lives Matter! I was in hospice care with her father-in-law. That is a Korean vet. He brought Marines home to shut up to fly.! he’s sub the fire hoses with the Black Lives Matter and the antifa during Covid. You know the history you said nothing. My father-in-law was right you were wrong, I need you to say that on the air! Or I’m done. I love you brother but if you can’t admit you’re wrong, nothing will change. If Trump can admit he’s wrong we’re done. Trump also needs to answer for the vaccine! Look at the proof on the vaccine! wouldn’t the vaccine best vaccine in the world? It was just a joke. I love you, Mark I hope you come home!
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