The Todd Herman Show


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  • llfuzzball
    Todd has been neutered
    Todd left radio because he refused to do speech codes. Now he abides by speech codes because he is on YouTube. He edits his speech. He used to be very outspoken against the Covid mRNA shots. Now he is largely silent about them. He used to say he would never stop talking about them. He was more free to talk when he was on radio. He’s always pointing the finger at other people, questioning whether they trust God or not. Todd could be on free speech platforms like X or Rumble but it seems he doesn’t trust God enough to grow his audience on a smaller platform. Todd should be willing to be a David and try to slay the giant of YouTube like Bongino and Bannon are doing. Where is your faith Todd? Where is your trust in God. He gave you so much and you don’t demonstrate that you trust Him. You sold out Todd. You’ve been captured by big tech. You’ve been taken. And you don’t even realize it. I’ll pray you Todd.
  • P. Falcon
    I started listening to Todd on AFR (American Family Radio). It’s very likely I’ve heard him many times before but never made the connection until recently when his show reached AFR here in Dublin, GA. Todd is the common sense of blending real issues together with biblical principle without the blinders on. He’s got the vision that presents common everyday stories and life events with biblical parallels. He’s not the hard line abrasive Sunday dragnet of southern ‘amens’. It never worked for me. However, he is real about every topic that effects our daily lives and draws on the truths from Gods Word to create a bedrock of principle to stand firmer on more solid mental ground. It provides the added layer of armor needed to stand and fight righteously against the evils driving ever so closely to our daily lives here in America. P. Falcon
  • Maocrjap
    Sane and grounded in the Lord
    Todd has been a great resource in plumbline for truth over the last few years. I started listening to him back when he filled in for Rush. Todd has been a sane and reliable resource. His interviews make me think and inform me. He covers many topics, from politics to health to faith to mental/emotional issues. Everything is grounded in his faith in God — it’s clear he has a solid foundation in biblical truth. He’s a very compassionate, kind man and I appreciate getting to listen to him. ☺️ Very encouraging!
  • K8inKS
    Not only does Todd espouse knowledge, but he promotes wisdom! He has the ability to take you by the hand and logically lead you to a sane and Godly viewpoint. There is no brainwashing rather he helps to clarify all the mud that is being projected by the media. Todd gives you tools to think beyond the hype. The best part for me personally is that he challenges me to be better than I am; no t just as a person but as a Christian. He stretches me like no other!
  • Wonder_Women
    Judge much?
    The show comes on on Sunday morning where i live. Some of it is very interesting, but a lot of it is very much in a echo chamber.
  • NotSoHappyCamperII
    Thank you Todd
    ❤️ a good book recommendation! Have “The Dog Stars” on my wish list. Listened to the example. The book is at the top of my list now. (Yes, I know, physical books are better. I’d have to get a much bigger house and I can’t afford that). Joyful Easter Sunday Your North Idaho neighbor.
  • Razrbackz
    I love this show
    This is similar to another podcast called Melchizedek Chronicles by Kenny Williamson. Both great Christian Men !!
  • COL Bog
    stay informed
    Mr Herman does his research. This is how news and journalism is supposed to be. Yes he states his opinion. But the press is supposed to be objective based on facts that they discover. Doc S today #45 hit it out of the park, I am a Doctor. So many things are wrong with this Covid-19. Please listen.
    Hello Todd, my name is Chuck. I first heard you filling in for the lovely Dana, and thank God, have been hooked on you since. Im not in a good place, and you help me through my day, everday . Bless you, and keep up the good work that you do !!!! ✌🏻
  • Motherpo
    Everyone needs to hear what he is saying!
    An update-how wonderful you’re going to be on radio. What a blessing from God that so many more people will be able to hear REAL news!! Will be praying for you! May God continue to bless you and your endeavors to bring the truth to us. I wish my friends and family would listen. I won’t give up talking about you! A great show to make you think! The truth in an easy to find format. I LOVE that I can listen where I am. I can start it in the car, do what I need to, and keep listening on the way home and finish it up there, or whenever. I love your show even better now Todd! Do not give up speaking about God, your faith and the truth about everything. There is so much evil going on. We need this, even if some people don’t realize it. God bless you! 🤗
  • bigdave 9230
    Todd Herman show
    Love the show. Common sense narrative that counters the leftist ideology.
  • PrimoCT
    Are you a white bigot? Then you’ll love this podcast
    Garbage takes from the right as usual.
  • Shamrock715
    Grim Milestone
    Love Grim Great Fauci as well God Bless Rush
  • hmm...Kristen
    Love Todd Herman!
    So thankful for Todd, his honest take on happenings in our time, through a Christ follower’s perspective is invaluable. No one can replace Dear Rush Limbaugh but Todd comes close.
  • senor meme
    Crossfades please
    Please slap some generic crossfades between your waveform edits before your final bounce. This last cast sounded like a dirty record popping off in my skull.
  • Bdsts
    Mocking does not help your case
    I was listening to hour 1 today (Wed 8 Mar). You bring up excellent points, but it’s difficult to listen to your outright mocking of people and in the next breath talk about God. Jesus is my Lord and Savior also…and I like that you add him to your analysis. But your blatant mocking is not helping the witness. If you report on people, please keep it to what they actually say.
  • annoyedbecauseallnamestaken
    NOT "explicit" as Apple claims
    UPDATE: Apple has decided to attach an "explicit content" rating to this podcast. I believe this is an effort to prevent Christians from giving Todd a listen. This rating is a lie. On rare occasions, Todd has accidentally missed bleeping out a cuss word in an audio clip he shared. But there is no explicit content. Todd discusses what is going on in the world from a godly, biblical viewpoint. ORIGINAL (left when it was a live 3-hr radio show): I listen to several different podcasts, but Todd Herman’s show is the ONE podcast I make sure I listen to all three hours every day. I live local to the show, but don’t get up early enough to listen live on the radio (and I can’t handle 22 minutes worth of commercials in every hour of programming). I GREATLY appreciate Todd’s dedication to truth. He has taught me to be a much better critical thinker. God bless you Todd! Keep doing what you are doing, and never back down. You ARE making a positive difference in this world! In response to the person who complained that Todd’s 3-hr radio show loses an hour to ads—this is par for the course for radio shows, and why I listen to the podcast. In the podcast, most ads are removed, and you can skip through the ones that aren’t.
  • We want our country back
    The truth
    Todd shares the truth from real people and deeply cares about our country and the future of our children.
  • Grayzeland
    Ditto, I’m Fully Informed!
    Let me echo everything that was said in that review! I feel exactly the same way!!
  • Client complaint
    I’m fully informed!
    While Rush was appointment listening (until I signed up for 24/7) Todd is my daily partner who saves me from sitting and wasting my time on social media to get the current news and perspective politically. Haven’t turned on any TV network news since the stolen election. And yet I am fully informed about Covid, jabs and their injuries,Election fraud, political fraud, school boards, world economic forum, and what would Jesus say about it all?!?… The only other program I listen to is Del Bigtree’s The every Thursday.And while many of my friends spend hours a day looking through posts on telegram and Twitter I am as well informed if not better than they are! Plus I don’t have to read stupid comments by haters and leftists!
  • dontknowmuchaboutsports
    My favorite podcast
    I love Todd’s heart and his content. So grateful for the way he shares a realistic, compelling analysis of great evils, AND (he always uses that conjunction with capitals in his voice—I speculate that he studiously avoids using “but,” so he doesn’t negate what he said before it 🤣) a joyful, humble trust in our risen, sovereign Savior.
  • Groundskeeper Scott
    Thanks Todd
    Love the show. I miss Rush, now I miss Dori. Been a fan for years, and glad to hear you nationally again!! But please.. please.. my go to read and first podcast I listen to 4 to 5 days a week is VDH, Victor Davis Hanson. NOT DAVID, it’s Davis! My nit picking means I listen intently and love what you say, It’s exactly what I say!! Thanks again Todd and keep it up. God Bless You!! With Love, The Groundskeeper.
  • sweetheart gram
    Your programming
    Todd Herman, I used to listen to you on 770 AM . I really missed hearing you. Once I found out you were on podcast , I was elated! I listen to you as much as I can. Now I found out you are going to be on 570AM on Sundays! I’m so happy for you to be on the radio again! This is fabulous! Thank you for all you do to inform the public. Also, Obama was the one to change the law in 2015 that the media can use “propaganda “ to the public. Mary Fanning researched that information about Obama. Great job Todd! God bless you!
  • WeatheredPoolBug
    The Emerald City Exile!
    Every time I hear (I believe it’s Shadow Stevens), say that tag line I have to say it along with him( trying to sound as good as he does). Love the show, you are a true example for my daily walk with Christ. Thank you Mr. Herman!
  • WA12Dude
    #558 night recording
    Wow! Record at night everyday. Great show!
  • Skeptic79
    My pick for best podcast
    Entertaining, informative, enlightening, uplifting, and inspirational . I really love this podcast ! I have been listening to Todd for years, beginning with his local Seattle radio show. I first discovered Todd when he was subbing for Ben Shapiro. I have never lived anywhere near Seattle, but I found that I became interested in Seattle because Todd demonstrated how so much of what has happened in Seattle is relevant to the rest of the U.S. I was extremely disappointed when they didn’t select Todd for Rush Limbaugh’s place on EIB.
  • Byrd1958
    The real deal!
    Like most, I learned of Todd Herman from listening to RUSH. As a 33 year “student” at EIB university I am obviously a huge fan of common sense, logical thinking. Todd Herman was blessed with the gift of relatability! As non college educated, self made Christian man. He has tasted defeat and he has tasted success. A former VP at Microsoft with no degree! That alone endears him to me! He is at the perfect age to reach people of all generations! He has the wisdom that comes with age and living some life but he also has the exuberance and excitement of our youth! That’s where God comes in. Its through maturing in life and in recognizing our need for Christ that has helped Todd keep that balance! He is unabashedly unashamed to discuss GOD and his faith. He is able to share that hope without being “preachy”. At a time where many Churches took a knee to the illegitimate regime, gone “woke” or corrupt, its refreshing to hear a “real” person talk honestly about a relationship with Christ and marry it with political discussion. We are in the midst of a spiritual war! Good vs Evil. RUSH was my go to from 1988 until 2021. Now its Todd Herman. Do yourself a favor and give this podcast a solid week! I guarantee you that you will not turn it off. 🇺🇸
  • hkljgf
    God centered and the new Rush on podcast!
    You can’t find a great conservative podcast like Todd Herman! I went to your Edmonds,WA event one time ago about policing and gun debate! And, I loved it! Thank you for being real and staying that way when others caved due to “radio free speech constraints.”
  • Calebpwood12
    Great knowledge
    Todd Herman is well educated on the issues of the day. I followed him after the Maha Rushy passed.
  • Black/Berry/Cobbler
    With You There
    I’m so with you there. I don’t want Medicare either. Government insurance is bad medicine.
  • Browncofiddler
    Removes all doubt re: Depopulation
    Yikes! This mortician from England is another truth teller. Very well done Todd in securing this interview with him so that millions can hear truth. El Rushbo would approve greatly. Our Lord is working undeniably through this man, although as of yet he is unaware. Thank you for bringing this interview to your podcast, it’s brilliant and oh so illuminating.
  • cardiacmoment
    From “woke” to wake up call.
    Thank you, Mr. Herman, Todd, for allowing your steps to be ordered by The Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Only office attendee
    Stolen Valor
    I was disappointed to hear Todd pander for Rush’s audience to come and listen to his new podcast. Rush dedicated his entire life to radio and worked tirelessly to earn his audience and to think for a minute all or even a fraction of his listeners should willingly jump aboard purely because of the fill-in opportunities Todd had on Rush’s show is repugnant. Should have stayed on KTTH; the parameters of radio help keep the show grounded.
  • FunkSavage
    God and Politics
    Todd is preachy… without being preachy! I don’t know how to explain it but his faith and humanity are authentic. He connects the dots between political motivations and their Godly or Godless foundations. I first heard Todd on Rush’s show where I thought he did fine but I think he is even better and really hitting his stride in this podcast. He’s a good dude and I really appreciate the opportunity to listen to him. Gotta order some bone frog coffee to see if I trust his taste in coffee too!
  • now on the eastside
    Thank you!
    We enjoy your podcast! Loved hearing you on KTTH when I was commuting from Maple Valley to work on Mercer Island, I was comforted to know there was a conservative on the radio. My husband listened to Rush Limbaugh for the 30 years he was on the air and he too now enjoys listening to you! Now with your love for our Jesus and the gospel you can freely talk about is a bonus. May God bless you and keep you! Bev
  • mattwr32
    Thank you Todd!
    Todd has filled the void left by Rush in my life and I am grateful that he is making a show with God at the center.
  • Greaat App lots of Adds
    Absolutely amazing!
    Speaks the truth with love and honesty! Puts God in the center
  • Chloe94773
    Love You Todd Herman
    I really came to enjoy hearing you when you filled in for Rush and hoped you might take over for him after he passed. I’m so glad to have discovered your podcast and love listening whenever I can. Thank you for your passion in doing what you do!
  • CecyJL
    Very good!
    So glad I found out about this podcast!! Very informative and truthful. Thanks!!
  • iRobco
    Best Godcast Ever
    Todd filled in for Rush and I liked him so much I started folling him. So glad i kept up with him. I look so forward to this podcast every day. Great mix of faith and polotics.
  • Mometous
    Love the Todd Herman Show
    Episode 145 a great show on Christian faith and culture. Thank you Todd. I hope you will have your mentor on again. I continue to spread the word. You and Ken Matthews remain musts for me. As I’ve said before, I hope the two of you are friends and encourage one another.You have different approaches but both grounded in truth and well researched. I am grateful to have searched for you both from your days with Rush.
  • hornerkg5
    #1 in my book !
    Loved you when you will fill in for my hero Rush, and might I add you were amazing!!! Top of my list for listening now! Appreciate a Christ follower sharing the news of the day. God bless you Todd and yes, you ARE more than qualified to become a pastor! Praying for God’s will in the direction for you life. 🇺🇸
  • s.hamilton4Christ
    God at the center
    I just heard of this podcast through your interview with Frank Turek. Started listening and found out that you now live in my neck of the woods. Absolutely love your show. It is so hard in this climate to keep politics on the edges where it belongs. Your use of scripture and the Christian lens you use makes the show useful and edifying. Hope that maybe one day I can meet you. If not here in this life, I will for sure in heaven. Keep up the great work and God bless you sir!!!!!
  • Fl Bayshark
    Pod cast
    Todd I’m one of those new to pod cast. I found you. God bless Rush, God bless you, keep up your work.
  • yourdone
    Abortion episode your best yet
    Thank you for your insights. Truly a beautiful telling of other perspective. Listen and love the one in front of you message resonates.
  • jilebean
    Insightful, honest and heartwarming.
    Sometimes tough to listen to because he is brutally honest about how the world is. But this is what the world needs right now.
  • StudPuppy2012
    Godly insight, keen intellect, wicked good analysis!
    I’ve been listening to Todd for years and appreciate his focus on “things above”. As a Christ follower myself we are to “be in the world but not of the world” and impact people with love and compassion as Christ models. I too have felt for some time we are primarily in a spiritual battle of “good vs evil” that is manifesting itself in our daily life. Thank you Todd for being a humble servant and following the Holy Spirit’s leading. You ARE making an impact from a kingdom perspective!
  • Sjredd
    Incredible show!!
    I am one of the “Rush Babies” that first heard Todd while he filled in for Rush. He has incredible insights and the reference he makes to faith and scripture are fantastic and very relevant to the times we live in. Thank you Todd for what you do and for standing up for your faith and what is right and truth! It’s such a shame that Apple and other tech companies have decided to ban episode 90 hour 1. I will be listen to it on your website.
  • Steph from tennessee
    Your podcast is a blessing!
    Found you a few months ago, and now listen everyday. Love your ability to communicate in a way that makes everything make sense. My husband and I listen separately and discuss your shows daily. We also just received our first (but not last) shipment of the Bonefrog coffee. We were not disappointed!! Keep up your work for the Lord, and for all mankind. God bless you Todd!
  • red shelly
    I have really missed Todd’ Seattle area morning show, but love listening to his podcast now. I still miss his Seattle & Washington commentary, but love his insight into Covid and exposing other government lies. I am not the most religiously raised person, but am working on that, so enjoy how he is God focused on this podcast.
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