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HeartandbileAlways fantasticUpdating an old review to second my old enthusiasm but also to ask: gentleman historians, erudite as you are, how could you not once cite a single great French historian of the revolution of the many many in the entirety of your otherwise magnificent series on it? Francais furet, Michelet, Lamartine,Tocqueville, Raymond Aron, Cochin, Stendhal, Braudel… anyone French , ergo writing with a visceral sense of its significance and giant legacy for the French Republic? All due respect to the brits and the Americans, they are all valid outsider perspectives but outside spectators at someone else’s game all the same… Aside from that; This sensational, hilarious duo of erudite historians single-handedly redeem the lost art of credible scholarship. Every episode on every subject is a small gem of insight, research, sparkling wit and all around delight. The brain expands and the soul smiles - can’t ask for more than this hero of podcasting in this era of otherwise superficial opining and banalities. I mean- adding to a former a review because, honestly, there’s comedy magic between these two of a kind you won’t find anywhere else this side of the 21st century. A random sampling of quotes I just pulled from a single episode just now (badly transcribed but still) -“Derek Jacobi would play such men, eating figs and shaking head sadly” -“… because it’s the gateway to the best city in the world - which is Drumheller.” -Is this dinasaurs, Tom?” -“It’s just your more interested in abstract nouns and I’m more interested in, oh, washing machines,”
Clksm?Speak up!!!!!I love the rest is History and love the information and engaging presentation. But Dominic please please please do something to regulate your volume. Are you turning away from the microphone? Why does your voice swoop from loud and clear to whisper quiet??? We are constantly adjusting the volume 😬
Avid parentPerfectI love how they show history. Such a fun way to tell it. They even got my child listening and she hates history! Love it.
TEB4821MisspellingLove the podcast but you have a misspelling. It’s “stake” not “steak.” “but also the dream of a brighter future, in which all the people of France would have a steak. “
Wally 2537694432Time for Self ReflectionWhile humorous banter between the hosts is a hallmark of The Rest is History, the apparent delight Tom and Dominic take in the violence of Aguirre ( stabbing, garroting, drinking blood from a skull ) is beyond the pale.
Cindy FowlerIt's taken me 67 years to love historyI love this podcast. I never thought history could be so enjoyable. Even though I'm one of the so called "tax evading Americans" as you so often call me, I am thoroughly entertained. Like other listeners, you are helping me get through this rough time in U.S history by knowing that others have survived crazy anointed or elected leaders. Thank you for this peace of mind. Brillant! I also want to encourage you to do a show the Acadians. After a trip to eastern Canada, I gained a new appreciation for this part of history. I love its connection to Cajuns as well. We need more Canadian history!
RogueCatLadyDaily Listener 🎧✨Excellent podcast! I especially loved the series on the French Revolution and look forward to its continuation.
Rover7777Historical ReminderTom and Dominic, thank you for so many great historical refreshers. Your podcast is a powerful reminder that revisiting and understanding history is essential if we hope to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. Whether exploring the Caesars, the Franks, the Vikings, or King Leopold, the recurring themes of greed, domination, and the relentless pursuit of power are unmistakable—echoing in the actions of many leaders today, both elected and self-appointed. Your work is both engaging and vital, shedding light on history in a way that makes it relevant to our present. Keep it up—perhaps, with enough reflection, more people will wake up.
Amlash63The CongoIt is podcasts like this that burnish the reputations of Tom and Dominic as the best in the business. The historical sweep and analysis of excellent books such as King Leopold’s Ghost and Heart of Darkness was riveting. But, sadly, as we speak, the DRC is in yet another cycle of violence and exploitation 😕
Supporter of democracyThe French RevolutionGreat series. When are you two going to discuss the greatest empires of all, the empires of Kublai Khan and Zhu Di ( including the story of the Treasure Fleet)?
Cerebralmind1968My earliest childhood memories. I turned 6 in September. It left a mark!
JoshInCincyWonderfulTRIH is the absolute best history podcast out there. Dominic and Tom are incredibly well respected historians, so you know you’re going to learn something from them. But they are also amazing storytellers, it’s absolutely perfect. The way they can make you laugh at them but 20 minutes later have you crying because of their ability to make you see and feel what actually happened… I don’t know the right word for it, but there’s not a better pod out there.
JMan from TexasHorror in the CongoOverall the podcast was interesting and they told a good story. HOWEVER, these guys drop in left wing tropes, and are obviously aligned with the left. It would be much better if they could leave their leftist leanings at the door and provided a politically neutral podcast. Do better guys, you don’t have to cram your political beliefs into these lessons.
jacjdmaNuanced, Eclectic and EntertainingDiscussing diverse topics snd spanning epochs from every imaginable corner of the planet, Tom and Dominic educate and entertain with nuance, insight, and depth. Be it Ancient Rome, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, or the life of Eva Peron, the ‘cast is a must listen
tallfosterScaramucciPod on US President’s is tremendous learning experience! Really enjoyed the insights and reminders of recent history. Thanks.
The American Way!Leftist history at its bestThis is for people who buy into the leftist narrative.
ChamavoBrilliant!A superb show featuring two historians with complementary styles who clearly share great chemistry. The series on Leopold II’s Congo is particularly captivating and made me want to explore the topic further— which is THE sign of an excellent show.
Onward&Upward2020Ditch the MoochI don’t know why Goalhanger has been charmed by Anthony Scaramucci. He’s vapid and a joke to Americans. I couldn’t make it through the two episodes with him. His analysis was terrible, like an amateur. A waste of the special episodes for members. Otherwise I love the show.
click_to_rateAwesome podcast!I have truly enjoyed listening to this show. The series about the French Revolution is fascinating.
Benjamin jack millerClever easy listenI very much enjoy the clever banter, I don’t understand all of the references - being from “across the pond.” It is easy and fun to listen to, they have great radio voices (which is rare among history podcasters)
WtfsteveImportant reflections on our worldRare ambidextrous bowler. Once nabbed 37 wickets in 72 overs at Old Trafford. Also hit eleven sixes that day.
SaraB3301Why two hosts?There's no real dialogue. The hosts don't disagree or even have differing takes. The stories are interesting - no need to make them more palatable by having 2 people tell them.
jjiusbbbdhagThe Rest is the BestPodcastery at its best! Sure they are so English (not even British)-centric I know way too much about cricket players, Dads Army, Tony Benn etc. and sure they insult my country (US) constantly but I still LOVE THE DOM AND THE TOM! Keep the multi-episodes coming we need a 20-parter!
SeleSotoGreat listen!I can listen to these chaps all day! Every time I start a new series I love being sucked into the topics Can’t wait to read their books
Tyler Durden DurdenScaramucci su*ksI love your normal show. You are especially great the longer the series. Please keep Scaramucci off the pod from now on and forevermore. His politics, as are your sister shows’ “Rest is Politics”, are garbage and so out of touch with reality. That aside, your show is great!
036397542Great - with one exceptionGreat chemistry. History brought to life. Dislike guest episodes. Ex: A Scaramucci - so arrogant
ChadVL7So well done, so addictiveSuch a wonderful blend of substantive content, humor, and storytelling. The multi part series are much appreciated. When the Aztecs popped up, my first reaction was to wince and question how interested I was. The next day I listened to the first episode, my interesting curiosity was immediately captured, and subsequently binged the whole series. Well done! And I should add that any contribution from Rest is Politics in suspect in the extreme..
Minar28Informatively mockingDom and Tom laugh at the absurdity of human history, demonstrate how so much changes while staying the same, and are the best debunkers of historical “fact” that is as much belief as the most unprovable religious dogma. Brilliant!
modernrockstarEntertaining, informative, to the pointFinally! A history podcast that hits on all three goals of presenting information that’s entertaining , informative and to the point. Great hosts and insights. No need to listen to 3 hour history podcasts. This is the one that delivers.
AlliejnycAwesome!!This is my favorite history podcast. Hosts are so knowledgeable - clearly historians - and provide a ton of detailed info but with just the right amount of humor. Ive learned so much - and without even realizing it. Wish college had been like this!! Would have learned a lot more!!
T. Forbes✨ExceptionalFantastic show. And they really put in their work for all of the research this takes! I appreciate the way they make history truly like a long timeline instead of individual stories; I can finally see how history puzzle pieces fit together. (And it’s an added bonus when they talk about what else is happening around the world at the same time.) Thank you guys! Can’t recommend highly enough.
Abbydonley1234567I tried so hard to like this…I love history and the podcast is well produced. However, the hosts blatant bias for imperialism is outdated and disappointing. Their Eurocentric imperialist views clearly skew several important episodes such as the episodes about Ireland, the French Revolution, and the American Revolution. I can’t continue listening because I’m worried other episodes are bias in ways I cannot clearly see if it’s about a topic I’m not familiar with. I wish they would add another host with different life experiences, I’m just waiting for Tom to declare this comment as part of the “woke mind virus.”
rogersmjAudio levels are terribleI like the content but the audio levels/leveling is awful. Worst of any podcast I listen to by far. The levels are too low overall, but then in addition to that one of the hosts in particular has a habit of dropping his voice a lot. So to listen to this, I have to crank the volume in my car to like 80% of max. I’ve never gone over 50% for anything else. Then when a sponsor ad comes on, it’s SO LOUD. This needs to be fixed, it’s bad enough that it borders on making me not want to listen to the show.
Disneydaze61The rest is historyListening from New Jersey, USA. Just subscribed to your wonderful podcast. Have learned so much listening to you while I am working from home. Thank you for making me laugh while I learn! Are you on Instagram?
Brady P. SmithTom and DomI absolutely love this podcast. The guys are such awesome sources of information. I especially enjoy the episodes on Tolkien and his inspirations. If I could suggest an episode I would love to hear one on Operation Valkyrie or even just the assassination attempts on hitler.
Gustavo GuimaraesTotally worth it!I love this podcast. It teaches history in a funny, light-humored, engaging way without losing grasp of what the underlying messages of each episode are. Kudos to Tom and Dominick for a well done program.
BuxacGreat History podLove these guys and their informative and engaging discussions on history. I also want to suggest breaking the topics into seasons for easier navigation. But I love the shows anyway, even the impressions! Actually, hearing Hitler’s speech delivered in English was really helpful in understanding how compelling he was to Germans at the time.
daily wire fanVery SarcasticAre the English sarcastic? I just thought they talked funny. Pants crapping at Agincourt? Yes, oh yes.
Xi 核心Good history, bad adsEspecially the hysterical ads about “insurrection”on Jan 6. Please, stop!
isagonzo92Cheeky and funI really enjoy the candor and the informative nature of the show. Really wish episodes were broken into seasons so I could navigate more easily.
Nomadic LensAmazing History PodcastThis is one of my favorite podcasts and has taught me so much about what I had previously considered a boring subject. In fact, I’ve started expanding my knowledge by reading Tom and Dominic’s books which are also highly engaging. Highly recommended for their vast knowledge, wealth of knowledge and sense of humor.
Scroop MothHard to hearHosts drop their voices for key words, speak filler loudly.
BellsinlaAmazingI love this podcast. I just discovered it and now I look forward to being in the car so I can listen more. Excellent, I hope I retain this information! Thank you hosts and Theo, you’re a good sport.
Cash361MC5On your episode regarding the 68 Democratic convention in Chicago. The MC5 was not a local band to Chicago. They were from Detroit. MC5 stands for motor city five
evjdTrouble with AppleUpdated my card please resubmit by subscription
Sherry V. Ostroff, AuthorHenry IV Parts 1 & 2Loved the podcasts. I write historical novels and Henry IV’s reign is my next topic. The podcasts were full of the nitty-gritty details and careful analysis of the times done in a thoughtful manner.
Peter & LisaMozart & Beethoven episodes were AMAZING!I appreciate classical music but I grew up on rock and alternative. Until they I heard the Mozart and Beethoven episodes I was never moved by classical music. Thank you so much for personalizing the music and connecting me to it. I’m sitting at work with goosebumps as I listen to the end of the Beethoven episode.
CitizencyborgLove a good history podcastI just discovered this podcast in 2025 and have only listened to the series on Frankish Kings and Charlemagne so far. They were excellent and I am so excited to go back through the catalogue! Very engaging and clear, easy to listen to while doing chores and still absorb a lot of information. New favorite history pod!
gwakridgeTop 5 Favorite PodcastsI can’t get enough of this! I love history, and I love it even more as told by these hosts. The comedic banter is what makes it entertaining. And the history, factual. Love it.
RedSkyBurnsI can only hope that there is still so much more to come.Oh my! I have been listening for years and years and every episode is as enjoyable as the first evening (thank you Dan Carlin). If you want a bit of charm with your history, perhaps a pinch or a nudge and a pint or two, this is as good as it gets. They still have the fire and freshness while the theatrics only become more fine tuned. Keep it up 'till the wheels fall off!
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