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Lizablue0227Tribal Podcast ChiefBy far the best wrestling podcast. If I’ve learned anything from Sam it’s to “Let them cook!” Sam does a great job weaving the thread of storyline and speculation to keep my attention.
Shaun SinNot For Everyone, But GoodI want to like this podcast because wrestling is all about speculation and Sam is a smart guy, but at this point, Sam fancies himself more a character than his actual self. Podcast Sam is an exaggerated version of the Sam I see (and like) on WWE television. Sometimes the conspiracy theories go so far off the rails that I turn it off just to keep my head from hurting. Rarely (if ever) do they pan out. I may listen down the line, but I’ve had my fill.
Dada of twoEntertaining AND informativeFunny. Sarcastic. Insider knowledge. Fan perspective. Greatest. Wrestling. Podcast. Ever!
T_KaiserWon’t deleteThe show is annoying. I usually don’t leave negative reviews, and bad ratings but this dumb show won’t remove from my podcast app, therefore it gets one star.
LUISAPOLLOOPTCI acknowledge NotSam as the OPTC. The best to do it. Great listening to his insight, though he may get it wrong from time to time.
BigSeXXXy2710Best start to my week!!!This podcast always gets me thinking about wrestling in ways I never would have thought. From fantasy booking to why certain things are happening I love every aspect of the pod.
SkinnydoeEven Steven’sDope podcast also in your pic for it you look like a grown up beans from even Steven’s
ClintsmanjPodcast OGLove not Sam! Best there is was and ever will be.
Wrestlefan96Where’s the AEW PORTION?Just wondering if he’s paid by wwe like most content creators are now a day? Would love more blanket love of wrestling and more AEW content :)
WWESINCE83This is how you bring in a Monday before RAWDay one-ish listener. I’ve been of Sam’s Podcast before there was a podcast. Kicking back and listening the what was the previous week of WWE and sometimes other promotions before a new week of WWE kicks off with RAW. Thank you for getting out the feelings many of us feel after a RAW, NXT and SmackDown.
hunterstreeterBest everHey Sam can you talk about why jey and jimmy do not like each other because I want to know but let’s get to the review I love this podcast because you get so deep me and my brother Cade listen to your podcast all the time.
BenW0308Wrestling realityThis man is a legend, and I love the excitement of when a new episode comes out. Sam does a great job of explaining what happened on the latest episodes of Raw, Smackdown, and sometimes even dynamite, also the latest ple’s (I appreciate this especially when I miss an episode). Thanks Sam!
Mg10077Great show I can share with my daughterI love picking up my daughter from school and listening to a new episode. The thing I love about the show , it's mainly clean language. Only when Sam repeats the wrestler is when you will hear a cuss word. And in my family that means a lot ! Good health to you and your family Sam!
coopmanjones23Repeat much?It’s good… but why does he have to rehash everything all over again just to get to the point he’s making. Like he released the emergency pod then the normal Monday pod walks back through that whole thing. Those emergency pods are becoming missable tbh
The truth teller 32Always a fan of a good Sam Robert’s podcast or showI love the way he speaks his mind on what should happen in the WWE
Ryan 3:17NotsamSam Roberts is a global icon and a national treasure.
thesevisionsGood for freeStick to the free version, the paid levels are not worth it at all.
Thugged out orthopedicGOATYou are truly the greatest, Sam. You suspend reality like no other. I’m sitting here listening like your 2024 predictions are a given and reality. I appreciate you man.
joem1222NotSamGreatest wrestling podcast! Sam’s awesome. Been a fan since O and A days.
TreborVAProvides great balanceSam’s podcast provides great balance between the typical hyperbolic wrestling news/gossip and experience-in-the-industry based knowledge and facts. Great podcast!
Ya boyskiRegular listener but bruhYour takes are subpar at best. It’s crazy how you speak from a place of fact when your takes are pure opinion and often ridiculous. You talk as if you’re smarter than most fans and I have to tell you my man.. you’re not. WATCH THE PRODUCT
KynduvmeFIVE STAR ~ THE BEST BY FAR!longtime WWF/WWE/IMPACT/TNA/AEW/ROH fan,(and General nuisance to my family, friends and employees with how much wrestling i watch as a 45 year old married CEO with 2 kids and a wife of 17 years ) i just starting to listen to podcasts about it. After sifting through what was out there, the official podcasts, the independent podcasts, and otherwise, notsam is far and away the undisputed universal forever champion of the wrestling podcast genre. I could write a more detailed description of everything I love about it, but the best way to understand why this guy is so good is to just listen to it! if you ever want to have a crossover podcast about substance abuse and addiction recovery in wrestling, I have a relatively popular podcast about middle-age suburban dad's in addiction recovery. It's always been an idea of mine to get Jeff Hardy on or Kurt angle to talk about this stuff. If you're interested in checking us out it's called Recovery in the Middle Ages. Love you notSam.
ResqmikeyThe ONLY wrestling podcast that matters.Sam is the go to podcast for staying up to date on everything pro wrestling. Great interviews and compelling content.
VonteGoldringAmazingAmazing podcast listen to every episode, gets me through work
macks15Best in the businessNot only the best wrestling podcast on the airwaves, it’s by far my favorite over-all podcast. Sam is the most knowledgable source on all wrestling topics and I NEVER miss an episode
DukePolarisSam is the ManYou’re a fool if you’re not a Sam Shill
TheLastPanioloWhoahBetter than JRE
Kenec91The bestBeen listening to Sam for years! It’s for the fan that loves wrestling!
BradkersStory time with SamStory time with Sam is the best weekly content!
nonpoint44He’s bald nowSams good
Rye2jExcellentWrestling should be fun! I enjoy watching because it’s an escape from reality. When twitter is always too negative, Sam Roberts is able to put the weeks happenings in a fun entertaining recap. Great interviewer as well.
Steve Negs5 StarsEvery single Monday the one podcast i look forward to your show. I don’t listen to podcasts often but yours I listen to every single week no miss keep up the great work
BenJMorseGeniusSam is a master storyteller and his show is a treat. He has guest lectured my UNLV podcasting class and brought his sage wisdom to the next generation!
Hozay83Started listening in 2020I started listening in 2020 when we had to be home for a while. Stayed with it. I listen and look forward to every Monday. Thanks.
d.mac06Pure Wrestling dialogueAmazing. Nuff said
vecnavpACTION… is on the way!Nobody can present a wrestling premise, theory or potential angle with more knowledge, experience and passion than Sam, and his interviews are insightful and fun, and avoid the usual pitfalls of the same old wrasslin’ questions.
E HindeYou definitely have the makings of a Varsity AthleteBrotha, love the show! It’s my look-forward-to thing on my way to work Monday mornings. Loved the line ya dropped this week, something like, “I realized at the age of 10 that I didn’t have the makings of a varsity athlete.” (Shout out to Corrado ‘Junior’ Soprano for that one 🤣🤣🤣 Keep pushin out the thorough & accurate content me and all the other NotSam shills have become accustomed to and have put you on top of the broadcasting mountain. Eric Sumter, SC
MattyMo66Total WWE Fanboy!!Doesn’t matter how bad WWE’s product has become, Sammy will tell you how great it is. He is very knowledgeable but his continued pushing of a bad WWE product is insulting to anyone who watches their programming.
bennyfranchiseYour best wrestling friendNotSam is your smartest wrestling friend that doesn’t know you. He makes you feel like you know him and you are old friends that get together once a week to talk about wrestling. NotSam is a breath of positive air in a sometimes toxic atmosphere of wrestling (or sports entertainment) fans. Keep up the great work and know that we love you.
Tal4prezThis dude is a professional broadcaster.I don't know where the rest went, but Sam might just be the last of them.
JamesMP78Sam is Great 👍I’m a big fan of this podcast. It’s informative, funny and entertaining.
SlamdF150Good to be a fan!Great podcast for real fans who don’t want to just crap on the product all the time. Sam’s interviews are also top notch because he goes in directions others haven’t gone in. Been listening since the beginning and don’t plan on stopping. Thanks Sam! @TroyEdward_TTV
Da gameboy89Opie and Anthony (Kmart brand)Your not a comic and nether a interesting radio show host. I heard that you screwed over interns on the old show too!!
ZoeJeremyMeh.This show is basically 2 hours of Side Show Bob fantasy booking wrestling with the occasional guest. T
Matt CostiganA true fan & last professional broadcasterSam Roberts is a hard worker and has great guests & opinions on the wrestling business. Sam Roberts knowledge and passion for professional wrestling is second to none. Happy to see him on wwe network as well @MattCostigan -twitter
Bigbush08Just stop.Dude knows nothing about wrestling. How many bumps have you taken? You’re a waste of time and should please stop talking wrestling.
no-nickname-since-it-is-takenDon JrWhat the hell were you thinking Sam?!
Thebadguy127BadJust bad
LightningRayySince 2016I’ve been listening to the Notsam wrestling since 2016. Great podcast, fast paced, great top-tier guests, and very positive. Y’all should go watch his Annoying Eater series on his YouTube channel NotSam Wrestling, the guy is a mess!
Mike Snyder.Always a fanSam always has great takes. He always tries to see things from a positive perspectve rather than just crapping on every booking decision but he also doesn't hold back criticism where its needed. Its mostly WWE focused; I'd prefer a little more AEW content as well but I'm a mark, what can I say.
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