Big Brother Recaps & Live Feed Updates from Rob Has a Podcast


Big Brother recaps, BB26 live feed updates and interviews with former Big Brother players from Rob Cesternino, Taran Armstrong, and friends of RHAP.

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Recent Reviews
  • Janie Holtz
    Absolutely love!
    I can’t get enough of these looks down memory lane via the retrospectives! Please tell where to find the blockumentaries you refer too Thank you for always providing the best coverage of my favorite reality shows! A million years ago I helped cover shows online via a long gone website (RNO) - I feel like this is the current evolution of reality tv recaps and commentary and I’m still obsessed. 🤣 You all do an amazing job and it’s greatly appreciated by your audience!
  • !!!!!?!!!!!??!!
    Taran isn’t smart
    Taran’s sexual attraction to Dan should disqualify him from ever giving “analysis” about Dr. Will’s game. Its honestly pathetic at this point
  • amsr2021
    Quinn: stop yelling it’s stupid annoying
    Love the podcast and appreciate the RHAP crew but if you guys ever bring this guy back on help him dial back the yelling. It’s so annoying. I wanted to know what he had to say and hear his insights but opted to turn it off because it’s grating to have him start a sentence normally and finish it by shouting at me.
  • y/r.........
    So much love
    Wondering if I even like BB or if I really just like Taran’s updates every day. I look forward to listening so much and am definitely dreading the off season. I probably would have given up on BB if it wasn’t for my parasocial RHAP fam keeping it on my list of favorite things.
  • Dpooh70
    Jury Roundtable
    Cody announced on his BB podcast that he was going to be hosting the round table 🤷‍♀️
  • Charlotte Swiger
    Love this podcast!
    Always love to listen to this podcast so I know what’s going on in the show!!
  • MasterAC003
    Too much talking over each other
    This is a five star podcast but I gave it four because the talking at the same time has gotten over the top in the last year or so.
  • Mom-of-two-turkeys
    Cody Califiore hosts round table
    He announced it on his podcast. I probably spelled that last name wrong.
  • 💃🏼🥰💙
    Love so much (but please stop naming the episodes)
    I adore this podcast so much, but I keep falling behind and then getting spoiled by the episode names when I scroll through to catch up!
  • Klaroline2000
    Tech issues
    I’ve been noticing the last few days after the new art work, I can’t get podcasts from the big brother feed to play. I go to the same podcast on the reality how feed and it plays right away. Wasn’t sure if this is something that has already been known. I love the content
  • violetowl29
    Best in the business
    RHAP’s big brother podcasts are an essential part of the big brother season! Love all the podcasters/hosts and appreciate all of the work that gets put into these podcasts! Five stars always!!
  • rem893
    feed recap
    Everyone say “thank you, Taran” for recapping the feeds so I don’t have to use Elon Musk’s twitter to find out what’s happening
  • Trmroller
    Gotta love Taran!!
    Far and away my favorite recapper and personality. Thank you!
  • legjay
    complain, complain, complain.
    Why watch Big Brother if yall hate the episodes and comps so much??? Yall are tooooo invested in the live feeds, which alters the way you watched the episodes. WHY WATCH??✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽
  • ladygreen1101
    Favorite podcast
    Love this podcast!
  • jak2184
    Pretentious takes on almost every level and makes me want to dislike the actual episodes more. Makes casual viewers feel less than
  • A n g e l a K
    Stop inferring to spoilers.
    The hosts think that it’s so funny to refer to something from the live feeds that isn’t on the show(yet). I don’t think it’s funny at all because I don’t know what you’re referring to and don’t want to know! And one host saying they want “chronological explantations” of when did this or that happen. IT JUST HAPPENED ON THE SHOW LAST NIGHT so that’s “when it happened”! So annoying for listeners that are actually only watching the show and want to listen to an episode recap. Live feeders (even your hosts) can’t help themselves because they know more than the viewers. You need hosts for these episode recaps that only watch the show, not live feeds.
  • christineehm
    Best way to catch up with what’s really happening
    This is an integral part of my summer. I love listening to Taran keep everyone updated since I don’t have time to actively follow the feeds on my own.
  • Ellabee2
    Enough with Cory
    Can we get other guest hosts? Cory brings the show down. His takes are uninteresting and he’s incredibly self-involved.
  • Us1244589668
    The episodes with Taryn are the best
    I’ve learned that if Taryn is not an episode, I don’t listen to it. He is amazing at storytelling, character, analysis, and eliciting good responses from the other guests. If he’s not on the podcast is all over the place. I know it’s Rob’s podcast, but Taryn is better at it than Rob.
  • Rainie18
    Cringe Grammer
    Every time I hear "ex-specially" I die a little inside. Someone please help that young lady.
  • blue_rondo
    Taran’s Live Feed Updates Are My Novel
    Put the best beach read of every summer in your ear by catching these daily discussions.
  • BB-AR Fan
    Big Fan
    I can’t wait for the Pod Cast daily and Taran Armstrong is the BEST! Big Brother would not be the same without you! I also like guests bouncing off their opinions as well. Thank you for all you do and sharing the daily live feeds with us. I appreciate it very much! This Pod Cast is a success because of Taran 100%!
  • Mellonhead1234
    OOO till October due to podcast
    This podcast helps you to really understand the dynamics and inner workings of big brother. It is so much more than a reality show since there are also live feeds. This podcast is a great soft landing to understand it all the dynamics of the podcasters is fun and seems kind. In a world of crazy- it nice to find kind people to explain it all to you! It’s a great space for neuro-spicy or (unmotivated) mamas to understand the chaos.
  • Danielle3268
    A Must Have for the true Big Brother experience
    If you want to really enjoy Big Brother, tune in to the live feed updates! I enjoy the whole cast of characters on the updates, you have your Kirsten/Maggie/Sasha mess type analysis and then other days you have your more Mary/Pooya strategy-facing analysis. Great balance. Make Rob do a live feed update!
  • LouSmith434
    The women are soooo annoying
    They speak like they are always asking a question? Your voice should drop at the end of a sentence to denote the end of a thought. It’s so annoying?
  • ksjdhhhxkkww
    Best BB Coverage
    Taran is pure gold. He is why I am still watching Big Brother. The podcast is great for listening but the YouTube is totally worth it to see his physical comedy. Taran re-enacting the show is better than the original.
  • LemonDifficult:
    A lot of fast forwarding
    I wish it was just Taran telling us what happened. Pooya is too performative, Rob is slow with humor and the girls are just basic boring
  • Alex Forstenhausler
    Must-Listen for Big Brother Fans!
    If you're a Big Brother fan, this podcast is a must. Rob and his team break down every episode with insightful commentary and the latest live feed updates, all delivered with unmatched enthusiasm and humor. Whether you're a casual viewer or a die-hard superfan, this podcast enhances the Big Brother experience. Rob Has a Podcast sets the standard for Big Brother coverage, and I can't recommend it highly enough! Also, check out Reality GameMasters: Remastered.
  • Kelly Cate
    No BB for me without RHAP
    There is no better Big Brother coverage out there. The RHAP folks are so fun, thoughtful and creative. I wouldn’t watch BB without RHAP.
  • hiyosupgoodbye
    Sock Pooya
    Sock Pooya sold me. I’m a fan forever. I will never not watch an episode now. Oh and Rob and Taran are there too!
  • thecrazybamazy53
    Best Podcast Ever
    This is the best podcast I’ve ever listened to. Taran’s voice is so soothing, I could listen to him reading the nutrition facts on a cereal box and I’d be hooked. He always has the greatest opinions and I agree with all of them. 10/10 would listen even if I had to pay $1 million. Never stop podcasting ❤️
  • pistachiohoe
    if RHAP has a million fans, I am one of them. if RHAP has one fan, that fan is me. If RHAP has zero fans, I am dead. if the world is against RHAP, then I am against the world. if RHAP has twitter beef, I am no longer vegan. if RHAP is in a stan war, I am on the frontlines. 🫡 🤍
  • minnoba
    good job
    great stuff
  • AlieCass
    Delicious and Juicy!
    This podcast feed is better than my favorite recipe for Blindside Butterbeans!
  • Milambus
    Taran is great
    Taran is great .
  • pea soup sue
    aman under the desk
    sock it pooya
  • AHamm09
    Big Brother, Sock Pooya, and More
    If you're a Big Brother fan and you're not tuning into Robhasapodcast, you're seriously missing out on the ultimate houseguest experience! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Taran’s ability to keep everyone up to date on Big Brother live feeds is nothing short of magical. His detailed recaps are so on point, you'd think he has access to a crystal ball *chef’s kiss*. And let's not forget the dream team of Pooya, Scally, Mary, Aman, Jenny, and so much more—each one bringing their unique flair and insightful commentary that makes you feel like you're right there in the BB house cleaning the couch cushions with Jared. Robhasapodcast is more than just a podcast; it’s a lifeline for BB enthusiasts. The witty banter, production critiques, and podcaster holding tennis balls on their heads is the perfect antidote to the chaos of the Big Brother house. Seriously, if you want to keep your sanity and stay in the know, this is your go-to podcast. Five stars, endless laughs, and all the BB tea you can handle!
  • goodbreez
    Bigger BB Fan than ever before !
    I thought was a huge big brother fan until I came across this podcast. Taran and the RHAP family have completely changed the way I experience the show. The daily recaps have been pivotal learning and understanding the inner workings of the relationships and strategies of the house. The analyses, games, drafts, deep dives, stockwatch all have grown my love for the game. I am completely obsessed with BB & RHAP! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you !!
  • Asha Kai
    couldn’t survive summer without RHAP!
    RHAP is arguably the best part of the BB season. I love the content , the guests and without the live feed updates i would cease to exist! don’t miss out! Amance!
  • Didnsnejsfkf
    An inspiration
    Taran is the best and the RHAP conglomerate as a whole is an impressive web of all your reality tv needs (and more). Rob is the reality tv Bill Simmons and Taran is his Sean Fennessey. I watch the big brother episodes but barely bother touching the feeds (like the dirty casual I am) and without this podcast I'd have no idea what was even going on. BB production produces a narrative that they want despite what it happening behind the scenes and Taran is the hero that brings all of the unshown, unsaid, and unheard to the masses. Listen to this podcast on the daily or don't bother watching the show!
  • MichaelWes21
    The most entertaining and knowledgeable show around
    The RHAP big brother podcasts are the perfect blend of humor, entertainment, and riveting strategic insight. From Taran’s live feed updates to the post episode recaps it’s always an amazing listen. That’s not even mentioning the amazing Patron podcasts like the slop that are wild and a must listen! If you’re looking for a Big brother podcast this is easily the best out there!
  • smill56
    Zaddy Taran and daddy Rob
    I’ve just spent the last few years of my life watching Taran and Rob talk about people not complete 5 piece puzzles. I’ll continue to listen to the podcast until I can afford therapy.
  • RonMexico17
    Phenomenal Crew
    RHAP is the best collection of interesting personalities breaking down reality TV. No matter what show you like, there’s a companion podcast that is a must listen to in order to complete your viewing/listening experience.
  • w0nderfact0ry
    Pressure cooker
    How did this podcast change, I’d say for the better, when we watched tennis balls on heads for hours with Rob and Taran?!
  • Staci1818
    This Podcast Saved My Summer
    Ok, but for real, I started watching Taran's daily updates a few years back when I was terribly sick, and it changed the shape of my summer. RHAP's BB updates are the only reason I've survived Zombie week, boring split houses, and any other things that would have otherwise caused me to drop watching BB. Play Stockwatch with me and listen along!
  • Nolan Lantz
    Best Podcast Ever!
    Single-handedly the best podcast network of all time! The coverage RHAP delivers for Big Brother will be the most accurate, hilarious, and in-depth podcast that you will ever hear and you won’t be able to get enough of it! Whether a season is going on or not, they always have great content firing off on all cylinders! Every single panelists does a fantastic job at what you do, and I’m sure you’ll find enjoyment in what they provide! Can’t wait for Big Brother 26! #JusticeForSockPooya
  • WallOfKerry
    Sock Pooya
    RHAP is the ultimate source for reality news. It isn’t Big Brother season without Tarzan’s daily updates and the entire group of podcasters that make watching my favorite show feel like I am watching it with my friends.
  • ChloeSh26
    Taran Armstrong is 100% NOT a cannibal.
    Let's set the record straight: Taran is NOT a cannibal. Taran is NOT a cannibal. Like, seriously, this might be the most creative and lowest y'all have ever gone. Taran is an absolute gem, loved by everyone who knows him. He's kind, generous, and has a heart of gold. These nasty and ridiculous cannibal rumors are just that – rumors. And they have no place in our fabulous world. Taran has always lived with integrity and love, and to see his name dragged through the mud like this is heartbreaking. We're all about positivity and light, and we won't let these dark, unfounded lies dim our shine. Shine bright like a Frankie, Taran!
  • saratheteacher
    Must Listen!
    How have I not left a review yet? This podcast is not a 2/10 at all. I love listening to this on my commute to work. Taran walks us through everything that’s happened in the BB house and the cast of characters that join him are more exciting than a tennis ball on your head. You’ll never know when a sock puppets might just pop up. Highly recommend you spend your whole summer day listening to it! Cheers!
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