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StephaniePetersonLove Matt Frazier and DougPlease find another job for Matt Tullman. Podcasting is not his strong suit, he is killing me.
WFPB-listenerAppreciate the dialogue re: WFPB & strength trainingReally resonated with Matt Tullman’s experience upping his protein intake on a WFPB diet. Since I’ve been targeting 0.8 g / lb body weight in protein per day, it has been transformative in terms of body composition and recovery in the gym. I have gained muscle at lower levels of protein intake on a WFPB diet, but it was much more difficult and definitely felt less able to recover. I’m definitely curious what this looks like as we start to ramp up endurance activities again. I feel like we demonize or idolize protein/carbs far too easily, and appreciate the dialogue where we’re talking about utilizing food to fuel our goals!
Beth87520The no solidarity podcastThere’s not enough health and nutrition content and way too much of Matt Frazier’s anti working class, pro unrestrained capitalism nonsense. If you think all vegans are comrades this will definitely bust that myth.
veganardiNewpAbsolutely loved you two, Matt and Doug. But this Tullman fellow makes it unlistenable. Why is he so shnarfy and arrogant and mega wordy. I’m gonna give Matt and Doug 5 stars but I’m coming back and giving a one star if Tullman doesn’t dial it down.
Rickay BUsed to be My favorite podcastI used to love this show so much, the new additional hosts totally ruined the show. The vibe has totally changed. RIP No Meat Athlete Radio.
At&t days are numberedA little hard for me to understandI like the content but wish the hosts would speak a little slower and more clearly. Thanks!
lak0812One Matt is greatI’ve been a regular listener of the Plant Based Morning Show and No Meat Athlete radio. I love Matt Frazier and Doug Hay for their entertaining banter and informative episodes. I stopped listening to No Meat Athlete when Matt Tullman started hosting because he’s intolerable. I’ve given him another chance with this podcast and he’s still too arrogant and can’t seem to get Matt Frazier’s sense of humor or understand that sometimes people have other opinions that are valid. I may skip any episodes of which he’s a host. Isabella seems to be a good addition. Thank you Matt Frazier and Doug for fueling my runs!
chesneykBest podcast ever!I love this podcast! So informative😍
ksgemNot cleanF bombs, d$&@, s bomb- I cannot listen to this with my kids! I’d love to teach them more about plant based diets, but this is not the podcast for me or them.
Si.D.Not as funny or good looking as…I love this podcast, but they’re not as funny and good looking as the Plant Based Mornjng Show. #BoycottOatly!
MstexasheartFox News and nutritional choiceMany Fox News supporters eat a plant based diet.
helloimkaren88Love itI like two things: working out and eating a vegan diet for my health and for the animals and environment. I love this podcast and their newer one. Like listening to like-minded friends.
Gray Wolf 3This podcast just gets betterI'm a longtime listener of NMA radio and the podcast Matt and Doug have put together is the best resource out there for vegan-lifestyle health and fitness content. Listening to each episode is like listening to two friends who share over a decade of experience in the vegan health and fitness world. The wisdom the two hosts have from being a part of this world for so long is a breath of fresh air and mature guidance that can only come from learning new ideas, trying them out over time, and then making it their own. Highly recommend this podcast for new and old vegans alike. Especially long time vegans will appreciate the honesty of this show.
No serious problemsRambleAs much as I love the premise behind this podcast and love the topics and guests, I’ll take the most recent morning routine episode as an example, there was only 20 minutes of the 54 that was actually intentionally spent on the topic. The rest was rambles. And even when we were on topic, there was still a lot of scattered thoughts rather than insightful thought processes expressed. I end up getting bored or frustrated or thinking “just spit it out” 🤣 I understand that this style of podcast is to make the listener feel like they are part of a conversation rather than being preached at and maybe this is a personal opinion rather than constructive criticism but when I click to listen to an episode, I expect to have a few minutes of intro and/or life updates (if that’s your style like these guys) but no more than 10 minutes of that. And then go into the nuggets or discussion and have points planned and power thoughts planned so you “spit out” the important points instead it being a jumbled thought blurt. Most of these podcasts can be condensed into 30 minutes if gotten to the point faster. Many of us have a hard time being able to listen to an hour podcast without being interrupted by life. Which that means we run the risk of having to start it over (waste of our time) or just abandon the episode completely (waste of your time).
RoddyLavesSpeak into the microphone!Decent content, but the host is difficult to hear.
DismisserMeredith Cass episodeI’ve never listened to this podcast before, but I wanted to hear more about the Nix Biosensor. The host sounds super high, and he doesn’t seem to be listening to her at all. He sounds like the kid who gives a book report on a book he has never read.
stacey_plantsLow voiceLove the podcast just very hard to hear them talking at times. They seem to start loud on a topic then end very soft so you can’t hear what they are saying.
memphisvbLove the book. Loathe the podcastI have actually listened to the audiobook three different times. I love it. I wish I loved this podcast it just seems like rambling on and on and I just want them to get to the point.
AwesomeMontanaFor any athleteI’m so glad I subscribed to Matt’s email. His podcast rocks and I always learn a ton from him! Loved the series about getting back into the groove by trying the kettle ball I tried an exercise bike now all I can think is where has it been all my life? Great content for any athlete
paVEme/ntBeing a vegan who works outI listen….. but they come across as the Whiny vegans I hear non vegans talk about. Now I know. The episode on non dairy milk broke me. Zero perspective. I’ll give it another try I guess
Breck23!You don’t have to go full vegan to love this podcastYou don’t have to be 100% plant based to get something out of this podcast. Doug is an amazing host, the guests are always insightful, and the information enriches my running, CrossFit, and overall well-being. No Meat Athlete & Doug have made my training and outlook on nutrition so much better.
jessica99marieLove no meat athlete! Long time listenerI have been listening to this podcast since 2012 or 2011 and it’s my only podcast I listen to! I originally found you guys when maybe two years into me being a vegetarian. Then I found out you were runners as well and knew this was the podcast for me. I was a vegetarian for 5 years and then the last 5, I have been back to being a meat eater but listened to you the whole time through. I recently just became vegetarian again but this time attempting for vegan and just so happy to have you guys still here! I listen to you on my runs and on my way to work in the car. Funny thing is, I’m actually all caught up with the most recent episodes, but like I said, I can’t find another podcast I like as much as this one, so I actually started from the beginning!! I totally forgot that doug wasn’t even a part of the show right of the bat! Love love what you guys have going and hope this podcast stays on for a long time !!
PanamumTopics are intriguing, interview style needs some workA lot to take away from the guests but the interviewer sounds distracted and unprepared at times. Needs more structure, almost cringe worthy at times with the guest needing to take control of the conversation to keep it flowing.
LilaRosaMInteresting podcastFirst time listener & I enjoyed the vegan diet and healthy episode. As a 4 year vegan & cardiac surgery intensive care nurse, this episode resonated with me. I’ll add that Dr. Neal Barnard at the Physicians Committee is a great resource. Plant oils, although better than animal-based fats, still have saturated fat that will raise cholesterol levels in the body. So if you have a family history of cardiac issues, you should avoid those oils & excess of avocado or nuts. And to lower cholesterol, focus on whole foods & minimize processed foods. Looking forward to more episodes!
Healthy outNice!I like the subject matter of this podcast. Always very insightful but I do feel that the conversations need a bit more structure.
iwalk2From the BeginningA friend introduced me to your podcast a year ago when I started focusing more on a WFPB diet. I’m not a runner. I actually gave up running for my 40th birthday because of some lower leg issues I’ve been plagued with. I do bike and walk and play sports. I have found your podcast very helpful and have become addicted to learning more about plant based eating and training. I’ve decided to start from the beginning with your podcasts to hear how the world has transitioned over the past 10 years. Thanks for the knowledge and entertainment!
KJGoepLove this podcastSo happy I found this podcast! So much good information for someone who is learning to eat more plant based and learning to train for bigger goals.
vees momLove Dr CampbellDr Campbell’s honesty in this podcast is insightful. This is one of the best podcasts No Meat Athlete has had.
BreatheSmileGreenRunning carrotHave been listening for many years. Just two guys talking, Matt & Doug. Hope they keep being part of the podcast (at least one of them). Not a big fan of the two new host....
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz7777Get to the point.Oh my gosh! Listened to my first episode. Ten minutes in they finally got to the subject. Not for me. Delete from library.
veganboistrackclubVeganGood podcast for runners
NickofNackPerspectiveI started listening to this podcast to learn more about a plant-based diet. Happily, I found even more good things! The perspective is relatable, humble and very human. The self improvement/evolution/growth aspect is very encouraging. They not only don't hold themselves out as the ONLY way, they make space for openness and people finding what is best. The "new voices" are taking some getting used to, but I am willing to try. And after listening to all the esisodes in the last several months, I am quite eager to see what the Black Friday Sale has to offer this year now that I am paying attention. LOL
Jewels902Rambling messToo much rambling, talking about your families, half the time it’s like you’re just chatting with each other forgetting you have an audience and it takes forever to get to the point! I fast forward and timed it, the first 10-15 minutes are wasted that leaves 30+ minutes, take out the rambling and getting off topic there’s like 20 minutes of context. Also you said the only difference between plant based and vegan is one is about your conscious and plant based is health but no difference in what you eat. Good grief get your facts straight! Whole food plant based is close to vegan but no oil, no processed, only whole wheat or sourdough, etc. Fact check but honestly shouldn’t you know this? Maybe you know more than you say but you ramble and get off topic and don’t get to information. Then like someone else said what the heck are you talking about sometimes??🙄.
LakeRubyExcellent inspirationI’m a new listener and have found so much encouragement and inspiration in these episodes so far. Looking forward to doing a deep dive into the archives!
that_PB_lifeGreat for passive listening but not really informativeFor the past year of episodes, the majority of discussions are a mix of Doug and Matt recapping their lives with each other and not exactly true to the original purpose of NMA as their earlier episodes are. That is, there is very minimal discussion on running and meatless diets. The hosts are somewhat entertaining to listen to and establish good banter despite this. When they are not talking about themselves, they are filling the space with “shout outs” to their sponsors or talking their own products up. I get it you need to generate income to continue making content but when 15 min of a 40 min podcast are ads, are you actually making worthwhile new content? Fairly disappointed with the direction it has gone. Perhaps the show has run its course.
scoobertttdooberttHuhWhat in the hell r they even talking about half of the time
fast>grassContent is okI don’t love this podcast. The hosts are pretty dry. Like I fall asleep listening to them talk about things that I don’t care about,Like how their weekend went or non-Running/vegan related chit chat.There is a lot of stuttering and conversation circles that are not interesting.I do like the new chick though :)
BiancaphillipsBest podcast ever!!Long-time NMA listener (I’ve listened to every episode!), and I just wanted to leave an updated review to say that I LOVE the new hosts. Matt T and Julia bring new voices and experiences to the podcast, so I’m glad they’ve joined Matt F and Doug. It’s always a fun surprise each week to see which hosts you’ll get! NMA has helped me become so much more than I ever knew I could be! Because of them, I got into ultra running and ran my first 50K this year (solo and self supported, thanks to Covid). I’ve also transitioned from being a long time junk food vegan to a healthier whole foods vegan (who still enjoys a few treats each week and plenty of good beers!!).
JS Veg RunnerDo Not Like the Change :(I have been listening (and loving) NMA for years and have found so much wisdom and comedy from the show! However, I do not like the switch to the new hosts. The guy seems uncomfortable being on air and the dynamics are just different. I am a woman like listening to women talk about sports and health but have other podcasts for that. I liked the back and forth with Matt and Doug and miss the days when it was just the two of them. I used to look forward to the pod but now find myself deleting when the other hosts are on :(. Sorry guys!
Backcountry JimGone downhillThe original host are doing fewer of the shows. They need to stick to original host. Also, the show has started to introduce woke politics. They need to stick with diet and athletics.
evilleneuve18promotes disordered eating idealsUsed to love this podcast but find that it is getting more and more extreme on what food is allowed in their vegan diets. The latest “what we eat in a day” episode was particularly concerning. The guest said that it “feels great” to go 12 hours without eating and then shares that she eats smoothies with veggies and hummus for lunch. Some days she has crackers, she says. This is an unhealthy ideal to be sharing with listeners and would not satisfy most individuals, leaving them feeling like they need to restrict their food intake. It’s unhealthy to shame listeners for eating processed foods (which in her mind is coconut yogurt and veggie burgers) and I rolled my eyes when she said she tries to stick to apples and dates for dessert. Kudos to Matt for talking up cookie dough. Disappointed!
SaraKiwiLover10/10 recommendSuper relaxed and fun podcast. I love listening to these guys while I go on walks, runs, or bike rides. The topics are super important and Matt and Doug have really helped me on my plant based journey!!
C. St PeterNew subscriberJust picked up the show and have caught up on some past episodes this week. I’ve really enjoyed the topics of conversation so far and am feeling motivated to make some adjustments and tweaks to my current lifestyle. There are too many trails to explore to be spring down now!
ElenaRoseHMiss the old showMiss the old show with just Doug & Matt
angx19xPainfully boringNot informative... it’s 2 guys awkwardly Banting back and forth about random topics (robots, etc.)
rando1564It’s Great!Fun and entertaining and full of great advise!
Mel-samPoor vocals, good contentI wish I could get into listening to this podcast regularly because the content and topic is important and interesting. But the style in which both hosts talk is painful to listen to. Their rhythm is slow and choppy, it takes very long for the point of an idea to come out, there are frequent mid-sentence pauses, and no emphasis in the voices - it sounds like both are lounging around while talking. One of the hosts also has very poor/lazy pronunciation and articulation of words, almost slurring. Overall, very poor vocal form for an audio medium, but the subject matter is good.
AmandaRoseElamFun, easy to listen to, and educationalI just started listening about a week ago and already love this podcast. There are so many great episode topics. The style of the show is very conversational and makes you feel like you are sitting around chatting with the hosts instead of being lectured at. They keep me laughing, entertained, and I learn something new every podcast. I’ve been a vegetarian for about 6 months now and am excited to keep listening. Keep up the incredible work, guys!
ScienceTeacher13Light, informative, realI love this podcast! Matt and Doug are passionate, sincere, and funny and take a more relaxed approach to plant-based/vegan diets and living I don’t often hear. This is my main resource for figuring out how to be vegan in a non-vegan world. They also give tons of actionable practical tips on time management, fitness, and life with kids. Bravo!
JEN :)Rambling with no show notesI have given this podcast several chances but cannot get though a single episode because of the constant rambling and misinformation that comes through because of the lack of show prep. I wish they took a few minutes to step back and think about what they wanted to say before hitting record.
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