Pints With Aquinas


Long form discussions, debates, and teachings on the Catholic faith.Support us on Locals

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Recent Reviews
  • andhiggins
    Increasingly Confused and Pseudo-Political
    Why are there FanDuel commercials at the top of the episode?
  • edelweiss rosaries
    Mysogynistic narcissism
    Fradd has become transparently louche and mysogynistic. Saying a wife who is ill should just put up with sex, having mysogynistic fools on and agreeing with them, demanding his own wife put on makeup and get dressed up for him during a down time...need more? Keep trying to prove to yourself you're a man, Matt, with the chain smoking and getting drunk. You're deeply sickening.
  • Cigarsnroses
    Every episode has me gobsmacked
    This show has carried me through cancer. Then an infection due to cancer. Than to realizing I don’t trust God. Then to realizing just how much I need to grow but also the hope in how to do that. And after each and every single episode, I get the same feeling that I get after a down-to-the-wire football game in double overtime. I take out my AirPods. I wipe my tears. And I realize- dang. I love God so much.
  • Grrlsouljah
    Can you please get back to a more reasonable length show? Say, 90 minutes maximum. Few people want to spend three hours plus listening to you drivel on… absolutely positive anything you say of worth can be whittled down by half. I’m not judging content here, that’s usually, at least more than half the time, quality and guests are good but the nonsense has got to be filtered. Especially when other podcasts are covering the same material and recently have done so much more qualitatively and succinctly. Seriously, Fradd? Do better. On the other hand thanks for the nap, I didn’t feel like I missed much when I dozed off mid-broadcast. Quality content or Quantitative content. Can’t have both.
  • rnc-rnc
    The best
    I feel as a convert this show has exponentially helped improve my knowledge as a Catholic and helped to give me the ambition to improve upon my knowledge of the Catholic church.
  • Bo Laina
    The best
    It’s almost embarrassing how often I bring this show up in conversation, but I can’t help it cause it’s that good! Great topics, excellent guests and easy and enjoyable to listen to. I look forward to every new episode.
  • doubtingtomjr
    What a shame
    Dang. Was really enjoying this show until the hosts started heaping praise on Jordan Peterson. Wasn’t surprised to find out one of the hosts thinks sexual assault isn’t a big deal.
  • KentuckyRobert
    Loved the Jimmy Akin show
    Moo goo gai pan! Listened to the whole show and loved it. Twice!!!
    Great Catholic podcast
    I love how Matt is not afraid to ask the questions we are all thinking.
  • Pequaboy
    Disappointed in show
    I have listened to a few of the episodes and used to enjoy Matt and guests. Today’s unfiltered reaction to Trump winning the presidency is nothing related to Catholicism and is a painful pandering to untruths and Newsmax conspiracy theories. You lost a follower today as I have unsubscribed from the show. Keep politics out of an otherwise interesting and sometimes rewarding podcast.
  • finlander72
    Just unfollowed your show
    Why align yourself with Trump? You know this alienates a large number of Christians.
  • Piperinthepines
    Returning Home
    I love this podcast and the casualness in which Matt converses with guests. Matt is the main reason I’ve returned home to the Catholic faith. Thanks Matt.
  • Enj82!
    Favorite podcast!
    I’ve been a long time listener and I love this podcast! The casual, long form conversations are really enjoyable and super fruitful. I love how some interviews are just normal, down to earth people with deep interior lives. Matt Fradd is a great interviewer. I appreciate his authenticity and candor. Please keep up the great work!
  • E. Majestic!
    More John Bergsma, ASAP!!
    I fell asleep listening to John Bergsma while Protestant and I accidentally woke up Catholic.
  • MRS.Coughlin
    Best Catholic Podcast
    This is the best Catholic podcast there is. Especially love Mother Natalia’s episodes, and Fr Gregory Pine’s too. I also appreciate the casual long-form episodes with guests. They make my long drives a lot more enjoyable.
  • bustlegirl
    God gave us brains, make sure you use them
    Some fantastic conversations with some enlightened and fascinating guests. Fulfills a Catholic media niche that we need imo. Unfortunately you often enjoy the podcast in spite of Matt Fradd, not because of him. Stay vigilant and discerning of the takes you hear, brothers and sisters.
  • Lahmonj
    Peter Kreeft
    You always have fantastic guests, but I find Kreeft the most entertaining. Keep up the hard work Matt (and team, of course)!
  • kenhagen
    When I went to the Lofi link it was gone.
  • Jacob the Dragon Born Cleric
    A good show
    This is a great show for people who like listening to discussions (of which i am one). The topics are a little political at times, but I would say that the pros outweigh the cons in this excellent podcast.
  • Jaybird3959
    The Rosary
    The rosary is what led to my conversion from Southern Baptist to Catholic neophyte. The only Catholic word that I knew was “rosary” from reading a book about Bobby Kennedy’s assassination. So when the spirit led me to visit my local parish for the first time I got a rosary and learned the prayers from Kristin’s Crosses on YouTube. I loved meditating on the mysteries because I was a Sunday school teacher at my church. After about a month of praying the rosary I told my wife “I don’t know what this is but I know there’s power in this. I have an awe like when I was a child and I got to shoot my dads gun”. The next day someone shared a Padre Pio quote that said “The rosary is the weapon for these times” and I’ve never looked back. My wife and I were confirmed at Easter and I am so thankful to God for leading me to Blessed Sacrament. Love y’all and God bless you.
  • BullJedd91
    Love It!
    I’m far from an expert with this stuff. However, I am familiar, and the podcast is very good at making St Thomas’ work more clear to me. It is very well done, easy to listen to, and frankly it’s enjoyable. If you like reading St Thomas Summa, you will love this podcast!
  • Yussssssssssddss
    Sometimes good, sometimes very much not
    Sometimes Matt just projects as a middle-aged man who is insecure in his masculinity to the point where he must adopt shallow masculine tropes like smoking cigars, hunting big game, and cosplaying as his favorite daily wire host. Do whatever you want in your free time, but the need to be filmed doing or talking about it is desperately cringe. He even admits on his John Henry Spawn interview that he’s easily influenced and just does whatever the seemingly more masculine men he looks up to do. He has previously flirted with the line between the Catholics who are for the pope and the ultra trads who think he’s an anti pope, never outright saying pope Francis isn’t the real pope but certainly regurgitating some of the rhetoric of those who do. Then he has the gall to try and play peacemaker and urge people not to side with archbishop vigano. The politics are also getting to be super cringe. I don’t fault his conservatism, that’s a fine position to hold. Nor do I think anyone should stay silent about Joe Biden’s unfitness for office. But the short video Thursday (who is probably the root of the problem and influences our easily-influenced host) and he shot about Biden’s disastrous debate is down right uncharitable, as are some of his other takes on hot button political issues. If Biden truly is a man with dementia being propped up by power hungry, immoral people, then we should certainly have some basic sympathy for his and encourage prayer for him. The basic dignity of people cannot be ignored even if you don’t agree with them or like them. We are called to more as Catholics and this show could be a tremendous blessing but is getting in its own way. Being controversial gets you click, but what does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul?
  • jidimo
    Moonie child converted by St Thomas Aquinas gives 5 stars
    As a child of parents matched in the 1970's Korean Moonie cult who finally was converted by Saint Thomas Aquinas in the bathtub, I couldn't love this podcast more!!! Matt Fradd and Christopher West may not think their reach is as great as Jordan Peterson's but they are leading a whole bunch of us to Sainthood, I believe it. I and my family are so blessed by this podcast. Thank you for all that you do!!
  • citizen.4
    Amazing! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Matt is one of the best interviewers I’ve ever heard. The content is awesome, and the guests are phenomenal. Five stars all the way! 🤩
  • ScipioAurelius
    Why does everything have to be about politics
    Been a long time listener, but the increasing political nature of the show and the decreasing amount of people who just wanna talk about Jesus has me tuning in less and less. Huge bummer
  • Todd-5
    Good Podcast, but..
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for several years now, and there are some really great interviews with great people about the faith. Unfortunately, the content seems to be increasing more political. I tried listening to some Daily Wire content based on Matt mentioning them several times in a positive way, and was let down by how much fear and hate mongering it is, and a complete lack of charity for the other side. I’m going to keep listening because there is great content here, but please focus more on the faith!
  • Jeremywarren84
    One of the best podcast out there
    Whether you’re a Catholic or not. This podcast is full of incredible insights, stories, and advice. Matt is among the best interviewers you could listen to. He allows guest to speak and rarely does he interrupt them. The production is top notch!
  • K8tty
    Honest from a lady follower
    My husband got me hooked on Pints With Aquinas. I prefer shorter episodes ~45-60 minutes, because time. But if I have a long drive without kids I will “binge” one episode haha. I personally do not enjoy listening to the mother Natalia series but do love the fr Gregory pine cameos. However I would prefer they had their own podcasts if not only so that my queue isn't packed with extra material I may not want..
  • Theophilus59
    Peter Krefft
    After listening to that interview with the author of Jesus Shock- I’m definitely hooked…
  • Iosephus the White
    Just finished all six and half hours of the Jimmy Akin episode from March 2024. Great episode, get Jimmy back soon!
  • tyler.phalen
    A true light in my life!
    This podcast is so great! It has brought me so much knowledge and has fostered spiritual and personal growth in my life. The lack of intro was jarring at first, I would rewind a couple times to make sure I didn’t miss something. Now that I am used to it and I understand that it’s intentional, I really appreciate it. I am able to learn everything about the guest naturally through the conversation with no preface to color my judgement. Matt, thank you for providing a healthy and admirable example of masculinity, I know that you have helped me grow as a man personally and I know it’s something that is much needed in our culture.
  • Ike874
    Absolutely Awesome
    One of the best Catholic Podcasts I’ve ever listened to. Great content, always God-centered, and inspiring.
  • Noodaltron
    Thank You, from an Anglican
    Good afternoon, I have been listening to your show ever since my friend sent me the Fr.Carlos Martins episode last July. I had just started my journey away from freemasonry, after being elected an officer in my lodge. I wanted to know why I was supposed to hate Catholics so much. I walked away from the lodge life, and away from my oentecostal church, after encountering your show, and church taking a Hillsdale college class on church history. You may no be as pleased to find out that I wound up as an Anglican. My diocese is the most Anglo-Catholic diocese in the ACNA, and the relationship with the local churches if better with the Roman Catholic then the Episcopal. But as an Anglican, and an Anglo-Catholic specifically, I can appreciate the more Roman leanings that y'all have, and I still respect the Pope as the Roman Primate. Because of that, your show has opened me up to a wealth of information, and helped me in my personal walk with Christ. After the Fr. Augustine Wetta episode, I began discerning the Order of Saint Benedict, and am working on becoming an Oblate of the Order. I would love to talk to you sometime about the Anglican tradition. Thank you for what you do! N.T. Carlson
  • Ivan Zigarevich
    Thank you
    Thank you Matt for this wonderful gift of this show. My brother told me about it and you wonderful work against pornography. This show has brought me closer to Christ and to the sacraments. Added bonus was I grew up Byzantine Catholic and have always been a little disappointed about Roman Rites not even knowing of our existence within the church. So excellent to have you in the Byzantine Rite. We attend St. Therese of Lisieux in St.Petersburg Florida so if you are ever on vacation in Florida feel free to come by for Divine Liturgy. I’m a little embarrassed to admit I started at episode 1 around Christmas time 2024 and I’ve already made it to episode 96 because it’s been so captivating. Love the beauty of St. Thomas and how simple he puts everything and you have been a gift sharing his work in this easy to understand vessel.
  • Mamatesa
    Love this show
    The long interview form allows for so much depth in conversation and topics covered. Thank you for bringing such thoughtful content!
  • Canadian Veteran
    Very long ep
    Moogoogaipan.Took me a full week, but the time was well worth it.
  • Vrron333
    Matt brings out the best and the most spiritual from his guests
  • Levi J.
    Love Matt Fradd
    This is just an excellent podcast all around. Matt has been instrumental in opening up the Catholic faith to me and turning me from Protestantism to the Church. Bonus having Fr. Gregory Pine and Mthr. Natalia on as well. I’ve been especially getting so much from Mthr. Natalia lately. Cheers and God Bless this ministry!
  • angelagraf
    Always glad I listened
    Thank you Mother Natalia for the wonderful, thoughtful, truthful podcast on compassion and what it means. I received a life changing perspective as we enter into Holy Week.
  • Farmwife46
    One of my go to podcasts
    MooGooGipan! It may take me a few days to listen to the full interview but is always worth it. Love the long form and the guests are fantastic!! Peter Kreeft is always my favorite but wow Jimmy Akin is fantastic too!
  • Littlemommee
    Loved the show with JA!
    MooGooGaiPan. It took a few sittings though.
  • Happy in bed
    Carrie Ann
    I’m a long time fan but I’ve been listening a little less with Matt’s new platform of guests. But there are several powerful shows that I go back to and enjoy many times and the latest with Jimmy Aiken is one of those . This is the platform that Matt does best…a great guest and a lengthy, intellectual dive into the corners of Catholic theology and culture. This Lent I will be watching again, for the 10th time, Matt’s interview with Fr Andrew Dalton and the Shroud of Turin, truly the most moving and meaningful presentation on the Passion of Christ ever made. I also enjoy the shows featuring Mother Natalia and Fr Pine, just wish they were a bit longer . I pray that God will continue to bless Matt and Cameron and their family and crew, who all elevate the Catholic faith and lovingly share the gospel…would love to see more with our good priests and bishops.
  • seeker11177
    Moo Goo Gai Pan
    Yes indeed, Matt, I listened to the full Jimmy Akin episode. I wouldn’t have missed a minute. I could listen to him all day every day for the rest of my life and be thrilled about it. Thanks for the epic episode with the great Jimmy Akin! God bless you and yours.
  • stickphish
    I’ve really been enjoying pints this year on my way to be a catholic! I’m being baptized this Easter . A 6 hour episode ( moogoogaipan ) is delicious.Jimmy Akin s a very interesting man. God bless the both of ya!
  • ember!233
    5 star - with one caveat!
    Really love this podcast! I’ve learned so much as a Protestant with Catholic curiosity. My only pushback is that it would be super helpful if Matt would allow the guests to flesh out their full ideas before asking new questions or changing the subject. They’re on here because you’re giving them a voice, and we’re so grateful, but please (with full grace) let them speak more without interruptions :)
  • Adri044
    I listen to every episode all the way through.
    This podcast has renewed my Catholic faith. I was Protestant for a couple years and finding pints with aquinas ended that. Matt and his guests are a lantern in the darkness.
  • Jaquob_Strange
    George won
    No chance, Matt reads this, but Matt often says no one listens to entire episodes, but I can assure you. We do.
  • frekst
    Love it
    Edit: 3 years later. I have respect for Carrie Gress’s Theology of Home project and enjoyed the interview. But could you please also invite Erika Bachiochi on to offer a different perspective on the historical arc of feminism and how it is relevant to catholics today. I grew up Protestant and Pints with Aquinas is one of the many factors that has led me to seek conversion to catholicism. Thank you for your excellent conversations and intellectual approach to the faith, as well as your love for Christ
  • Phillycuz
    Done with this show
    As a devout Catholic and long time listener I find this podcast has become far more detrimental and divisive than what the underlying objective originally was. Liberal and conservative focused Catholic content is harming the faith, where the hosts can’t seem to see how secular influences have corrupted their views and content, and this falls into that category. Very disappointed in where it started vs where it is now.
  • projectfraudover
    Let us be careful not to forsake compassion.
    I love Pints with Aquinas and listen regularly, however I would like to hear issues like homosexuality and transgenderism be handled with a little more compassion. We all misuse sex. Those of us who are lucky enough to have been born into this fallen world with a clear sense of sexual identity should thank God for that and pray for those who are struggling with dysphoria. Our aim as Christians is not to win political battles or abolish all sin. Our goal is to love our neighbors and welcome them into receiving the same grace that has been gifted to us. It is not us and them. It is US, all in this together.
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