The Glue Guys: A Brooklyn Nets Podcast

Basketball #165

Welcome to The Glue Guys, a Brooklyn Nets podcast from The Athletic brought to you by Mike Smeltz and Brian Egan focusing on all things Brooklyn Nets and the NBA. The show began when KG and Paul Pierce were still Nets... and somehow The Glue Guys have survived along with the Nets fan base

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Recent Reviews
  • Bertrand Gane
    Where can i find the podcast?
    It was a great podcast. Does it still exist? How can i find it?
  • ActualNETSfan
    Where is my favorite podcast
    What happened to the Glue Guys? Best Nets podcast ever. Hopefully everything is good and hope to hear them again.
  • MistaRibs
    I fear they died
    Really great, enjoyable podcast. Unfortunately, I am under the impression they passed away.
  • ‘Fro
    Great pod
    Love these two. Great insight, excellent chemistry between the guys. My favorite Nets pod.
  • lontiveros0
    Not for me
    Find both casters unfunny and they constantly tell jokes. Upload too infrequently as well. Would prefer if they talked about the team and the games played more than hearing jokes and skits. Maybe this podcast is just not for me sorry.
  • Karennalani
    Whaaat was this last pod
    See title
  • ColJJGod
    Heard from Schlecht but Very Unfair
    Great podcast. Great hosts, great knowledge. Found you from a Schlecht plug. Although I will say, it’s pretty unfair that the Athletic has so many awesome pods. Like wait a sec, they just hire tons of awesome and knowledgeable hosts and now they have half the good pods in the space? Seems unfair, but it’s yet another 5-Star. Good stuff fellas.
  • Hutch718
    Best Nets podcast
    Actually…might be the best podcast ever? Dare I say. My only complaint is they don’t post enough. I need more GG
  • mmdevil91
    Best nets pod
    Best nets pod… simple as that.
  • SosaDaVinci2424
    Podcast badly needs some soul
    Corny podcast, this is the issue with the Nets fan base. No urban touch. Just a bunch of ⚪️ dudes laughing at their own corny jokes. STICK TO HOOP TALKS
  • TV Raider
    Great POVs delivered poorly
    Big Nets who used to be a regular Glue Guys listener. I stopped subscribing/listening because it was just a hard listen. Their Nets takes were well informed and really solid, but it was nearly always done in the midst of all this pop culture, cluttered nonsense talk. It’s OK to have some light jokes here and there, but Glue Guys would go on lengthy tangents so often I found myself fast forwarding the podcast just to get to their takes. Fans are listening to your podcast to hear your POV/insights on the Nets, not some Star Wars pop culture. I listen to a lot of sports podcasts, often from folks who have done comedy as a career, but none of them go into tangents in the middle of content anywhere near Glue Guys level. If you need to do that stuff at least make it a segment at the end of the Pod.
  • Salbo55
    Great Nets Pod
    Glue Guys is a top 2 BK Nets pod out there (w Locked On..). Mike & Brian are funny and astute. My only complaint is they don’t pod more often!
  • MOO$iE 🌍🌎🌏✌️
    Nets Fans Deserve A Better Pod
    i’ve tried to give these guys a chance a few different times. but every time i listen in they clearly sound like losers who’s opinions deserve no respect. constantly getting off topic into bits that arent funny. idk if they even like the Nets tbh. Nets fans deserve a better pod.
  • thepainter1201
    One of the best basketball podcasts out there. Mike and Brian are always entertaining.
  • RileyMartinBiavians
    Yes they are too white
    But they are a lot of fun so cut them a break. Trigger warning: they are pro-vaccine. O-qua tangin wann
  • Ninja Warrior 33
    Hands Down, the best Nets podcast out there!
    Engaging, witty, Informative, level headed and, when appropriate, highly therapeutic
  • Dan12749226748
    Great pod!
    Incredibly entertaining.
  • Jose37i
    Awesome Nets podcast
    Two guys connected to the pulse of Nets fandom. Cool guys and cool pod
  • JayMouton
    Love you guys
    Just saw Brian on tv during the knicks game had to come straight here, keepnup the beautiful content all love !
  • Lippy01
    Glue Guys- Brooklyn Nets Podcast of Record
    I tuned in to learn about glue but stayed for the jokes. While they never talk about glue they always entertain…I’ve been listening for a few years and never miss an episode.
  • ZainNathani3
    The OG Nets Podcast!
    If you are looking for your first Nets podcast, YOU FOUND IT. If you somehow already listen to others, where the heck have you been!? Listen now!
  • SamsoniteWayOff
    My favorite podcast
    I listen to a lot of podcasts. This is my favorite one. Great Nets discussion by two incredibly funny human beings. This show is a gem.
  • blixiecat
    My favorite basketball podcast
    I love the nets - and this is definitely the best of all the nets podcasts. also one of the most fun sports podcasts. Not your ordinary sportstalk - these guys dig into feelings and movie references and some deep basketball knowledge to decipher whatever it is that goes on with the team. only one problem is that they wont come out and say "trade Kyrie already".
  • JohnBlackwell2022
    I look forward to this podcast
    It’s a staple of my Nets fandom. The guys aren’t afraid to go against the grain with their takes and they also aren’t afraid to disagree with each other. Lots of funny banter and they get cool guests on there. The got Shams on there to talk about Kyrie possibly coming back before any other podcast.
  • jbro9
    For Nets fans only
    All trolls, Knicks fans, and pointless haters are not welcome. Stephen A. Smith, Nick Wright, Bill Simmons — begone! Mike and Brian do Nets right!
  • Willywakes
    Great Pod
    Top notch basketball pod. They represent Nets nation. Always entertaining.
  • KB8596
    very good
  • Around there
    Nets are NYC employees
    Nets are working in front of the public, like a waiter or theater staff. Those workers must be vaccinated. The Nets are only a dozen out of hundreds of thousand workers here. NYC is making the indoor spaces protected. The ‘visitors’ are not NYC employees.
  • Gabe_Miller
    Best Brooklyn Nets Podcast
    This podcast is fantastic. These guys are hilarious, give great insight into all things Nets, have great guests on the show, and are very entertaining. I look forward to listening to each episode. Definitely subscribe if you’re a Nets fan.
  • Themainmanjoe
    Love the basketball content but the one host can’t stop getting political and mentioning trump.... ✌🏼
  • Tony_G679
    A Podcast that Rivals the Joe Rogan Experience
    What do the duos of Stephen A and Max Kellerman, Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe, and Jalen and Jacoby all have in common? None of them even remotely hold a candle to Mike “Nice Guy” Smeltz and Brian “Fire up the Discord” Egan. The Glue Guys keep it real with their extensive Nets knowledge, futuristic production techniques, and takes hotter than two rats smoochin in a wool sock. Can’t go wrong with these two savants. Oh and by the way, they interview Nets players and personnel. What else is there to say?
  • John11123
    Proud to have been a long time listener
    You guys are wonderful, thanks for making all my morning drives manageable. Keep on killing it!
  • frankievali
    Fun podcast
    Mike & Brian are good, although I don’t enjoy when they go off the rails. Part of my Brooklyn Nets podcast collection.
  • Mike Tuff
    The Nets are Back
    Have been listening to these guys since the Pierce Garnett days, no better netspod out there
  • gluesnifffer
  • rpcub
    if you ain’t first, you last
    the best podcast on nets basketball
  • CarlJ17098
    Great Pod for a Great Team
    Been listening since the days of the D-Sloane horn, and I’m happy to have had Brian and Mike there for every step of the Nets journey. As the team has been built up so have they, no grabbing elite level guests like Bruce Brown, Jeff Green and Spencer Dinwiddie. Let’s go Nets!
  • Jerz445
    Great insight and banter
    New to this pod, but love the chemistry and insight. Genuinely feels like good friends chatting about the Nets.
  • rpnyc1993
    Great Analysis
    Great takes and analysis of current trends with the Nets and with the league. Love the chance to get takes on detailed happenings with the team that I have been following since they were in New Jersey in the early 2000’s.
  • Javitz
    This is an S Tier podcast
    Shout out to Cher bois for creating a pod that is not only insightful but funny as well!
  • James Harden Fanclub
    Name Change is Needed
    Have you guys thought about changing the title of the podcast from the Glue Guys to the Sticky Fellas?
  • Davidddddddd1278
    High water mark for the culture
    Mike and Brian are two of the finest individuals to enter public life in the last decade. Their outstanding basketball acumen is matched only by their razor-sharp analysis, lightning-fast wits and space-age production techniques. A must for any Nets fan, NO— any human being!
  • stevejarrett
    Only way I’ve survived being a nets fan is Richard Jefferson and these two guys who always help me take my mind of the many losses
  • petersgoodman
    It’s hard to imagine that there’s another team-oriented pod that is more resonant of the culture and personality of the team involved. Come for the entertainingly goofy references; stay for the genuine insights. These guys work hard at making it feel like they are not working hard. Bravo.
  • nooooo nicknameeee
    it’s crazy that they give these guys a podcast. rarely do u hear ordinary people letting loose on air, speaking their truths. this pod is also a trip for me bc i’m obsessed w the second guy’s opinions! like he’s low key, i already mentioned he’s the second guy, but i agree with everything he says. say hello brian. hellllooooooh! the one time he said he was flat, i think he actually nailed it (deep cut) anyways good pod for validation of the nets fan experience ...
  • LisaZola
    Good takes +
    The only Nets podcast I listen to. Funny smart insightful psychological analytical lots of good analogies to keep it deep.
  • lukegray1999
    Best Sports Podcast
    I’ve been listening to Mike and Brian since the Nets made the move to Brooklyn. Funniest and most comprehensive Nets podcast out there. This one’s for the real fans. 5/4
  • Bkatguy
    Insightful and funny
    What more do you need?
  • Cylomicronman
    Hilarious Informative Silly
    Funniest B-ball podcast out there. Also excellent bball analysis. If you like the Nets or even just basketball you will love this podcast.
  • zacenski
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