The MeatEater Podcast

Sports #20Wilderness #1

Building on the belief that a deeper understanding of the natural world enriches all of our lives, host Steven Rinella brings an in-depth and relevant look at all outdoor topics including hunting, fishing, nature, conservation, and wild foods. Filled with humor, irreverence, and things that will surprise the hell out of you, each episode welcomes a diverse group of guests who add their own expertise to the vast world of the outdoors. Part of The MeatEater Podcast Network.

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Recent Reviews
  • spatattack
    Super podcast but I expect more in terms of what’s going on.
    I love this podcast and have been listening for years. However, I do think it’s time for Meateater to start weighing in on what’s going on in mountain towns across America. For one, this enterprise is in Bozeman, Montana and while we can all relate to it and certainly love it, I think it makes sense that Meateater starts working towards what’s happening with the rich in these places. We all fell in love with Steve years ago and I think most of us get that in earlier days, he was from Michigan, the filming isn’t even the best. It was true to the point of what he meant…. Great hunting, cooking, and learning. However, much like what is happening with ski towns, I think it’s time Meateater weighs in on what’s important and what’s actually happening in Bozeman. We hear you guys speak of how you feel about our public lands but the same is true for our western mountain towns as well. Bozeman being a perfect example of that much like vail and Jackson Hole. So some listeners would like to see the Meateater enterprise also standing up for locals and these mountain towns being more affordable. Again, knowing Steve’s earlier episodes in Michigan, it doesn’t take a genius to tell he wasn’t well off nor in Bos Angelos, so I think it’s time Meateater truly starts speaking about what’s happening economically in our mountain towns especially if your going to voice what’s happening politically.
  • Arkansas Homeboy
    Episode 673. Steve Rant
    So as I sit here and listen to Steve and all others complain about the current administration and all their cuts. I ask what did those conservation items actually accomplish. In Washington we put billions and billions of dollars into salmon and the fishing is in the verge of collapse. In one stream alone we plan on a 5 mile section costing a billion dollars. I’m not saying we stop trying but we need real non political alliances to look at saving wild American resources. Accountability in government is missing. What feels good and makes me a star is what has replaced it. Science is replaced by social speculations. I think therefore I am.
  • Mule_Skinner45
    Losing this listener
  • pragmaticwolf
    BLM and episode 667
    You mentioned that the BLMs annual budget is 1.6 billion. Another good point to make is that the BLM makes the US directly approximately 9 billion a year. That’s only in direct payments. But remember the BLM also manages all the USAs subsurface rights and allllll those royalties from oil and gas that get paid directly to the treasury. Then think about all the cattle grazers, outdoor rec companies, outfitters, solar arrays, hard rock mining, uranium for nuclear plants, rare earth minerals, and more that contribute massively to our GDP. The BLM already is an extremely trim agency, like emaciated. These cuts will hurt and make it truly ineffective. Which is the agenda. To render them ineffective so you have an excuse to sell them off. You all do great work
  • Breakshunter
    State of Conservation
    Steve definitely has a MAGA hat! Go Cal!!!
  • Trickytrapper
    Decent but ads are unbearable
    I have listened to many hours of this podcast. Lately, the ads have become so obnoxious. I understand and appreciate the need to make money off something but it’s to the point you cannot focus on the subject.
  • T2023yeyhevsbdhrjirje
    Done with it
    Long time listener unsubscribing from all things meat eater.
  • seal santa
    I bought the Long hunters history edition on there, but I can’t seem to get the mountain man edition. Is that gonna drop on that app?
  • Haddon J
    Love to learn
    I enjoy listening to the podcast because I learned so much about hunting and fishing and everything outdoors
  • Tim TD
    Too many commercials!
    Used to love but too many commercials these days
  • AZ Flatlander
    Cluttered Feed
    The feed has gotten so cluttered with meateater, meateater trivia, meateater radio live, meateater kids. I’ve found that I only want to listen to every third or fourth episode and it’s not worth wading through the junk I don’t want. I remember when they spun off Cal’s week in review and forced the first episode into the meateater feed to get people to listen to it. Steve said he didn’t want to do that and wouldn’t do it again. Except he does, over and over again. Bye Meateater. It was a good run.
  • Baby Ed #1
    Way to many adds
    Used to be a not miss podcast for me, still some interesting topics but the adds and plugs have gotten to the point where I am considering unsubscribing. I know they gotta make a living but it’s outta control
  • thefrenchdoggert
    Seth morris
    Reminds me of “eyebrows” from we are the millers. Private equity ruined another great thing.
  • OlliePK10
    Your brother was correct
    Man episode 641.Absolutely one of my all time favorite podcasts talk about living the dream since I was a young boy it was always a dream of mine truly live off the land and raise my kids in the bush of Alaska. Almost had my wife along with are 1yr old daughter convinced after 3 years of marriage to sale out and head north and try to live the stress free life in the wilderness but she had one requirement I also had to convince my best friend and his wife and 1yr old daughter to also go long story short never made it but awesome listen thanks.
  • Msobo24
    21st century market hunting
    For a group that constantly talks a lot about the effects of commercial hunting, they sure are ignorant.
  • Cade Wd
    I love it I’ve grown up watching your show and listening to your podcasts I can’t wait for future episodes.
  • NB WSU
    Ads destroyed this podcast
    This used to be my favorite podcast. The amount of plugs they do for calendars, events, podcasts, books, etc has destroyed it. I can handle commercial interruptions, but the frequency and focus on other commercial pursuits is nauseating. I can’t help but wonder if this change is due to MeatEater brand’s PE backing, unfortunately. Stop the constant shilling of other products and Make MeatEater Great Again!
  • tcryst
    Great show
    If you can put up with all the adds and Cal, it’s a great show.
  • Jgonzo243
    Awesome show
    Since I have discovered this podcast I can not stop listening to it. I really enjoy how their discussions vary from hunting to conservation to cooking to authors etc. THE best podcast hands down, I said what I said!!!!
  • diehardhunting
    Well done show
    Great show, they’re the best for a reason.
  • Ben/CO
    Loved Diane the last time you had her on! This time was excellent as well.
  • Theteener
    Great podcast but….
    I know we are trying to make some $, you have to pay all these fine folks and pay up the ladders to the various entities that purchased meateater and its associated ventures. But the commercials are getting to be (seemingly) half the show. I bet you get better results and less skipping if you find a way to add sponsors info in normal pod chat. Like - “now that you are the first to successfully score a fish in the ‘one minute fishing’ portion, you can celebrate with some Pendleton whiskey. This isn’t a time to be ruined by bad booze” Please, feel free to ignore me. All of my ex-wives do
  • Elkmancoug
    Longtime Listener
    I have listened to the Meateater Podcast every week for over 3 years and love it. However, there are so many commercials now it is almost unlistenable, I just fast forward them but it is kind of a pain when at the gym. Great people and great cause but too many adds now.
  • DIY meat hunter
    Episode 600 - trivia in Ann Arbir
    Had on fishermen from University of Michigan but you all were less than an hour away from multiple national title winning bass team(s) at Adrian College. Could’ve had a true blue blood program but failed, just like the football team did that day. 🤷
  • Crepuscular kids
    Great podcast
    I’ve always enjoyed the meateater podcast for thoughtful discussions about outdoor topics. Lately, my kids have caught onto the meateater kids podcast, and love it. They’re constantly asking me to play it while we’re in the truck. If the first five episodes were on cassette, we’d have thoroughly worn out the tape by now. Keep ‘em coming.
  • Fraley71
    Randall acting like a little girl over the white boards
  • felipedemizzou
    Never get tired of it
    Steve is a legend. The dynamic between him and the team is funny and engaging while reminding everyone about the important parts of hunting. Sure there are ads, but that’s how they pay the bills. The only way around that is to pay for a subscription (I would do to not have ads).
  • MelH19081
    Kids episodes
    My kiddos and I loved the kids episodes! Keep em coming if you can!! The trivia with the kids was so fun, the animal sound mystery was fantastic and Steve’s why it is segment at the beginning was enlightening! We ALL learned so much!!
  • fr4nk3nstein
    My favorite podcast!
    Been listening to this for years and nothing tops the discussion the group has on various conservation topics. It’s great to have experts on the show to dive into conversation. Also, the kids show is top notch and my kids love it! Excited for episodes!
  • Fan of Kenton
    Love the live radio show
    Great addition to Meateater!
  • Survivalist J
    I love meat eater kids and so does my little brother. More of Mek. Hello Steve
  • nwhite8304
    Advertising and more advertising
    Used to listen a lot more until the ads got to where you were swerving on the road trying to fast forward. The interruption in your shows have gotten out of hand.
  • lhoops
    MEAT EATER KIDS ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
    My 10 and 8 year old girlies love the kids episodes!
  • Grand Junction Ryan
    Meateater Kids
    More kids episodes! My 10 and 7 year old girls love it! Great job keep it coming!
  • MonRosé
    Meateater Kids
    Can we pleeeeease keep the meateater kids show a weekly thing. My kids ask for it every time we get in the truck.
  • therealwes
    My kids love it and so do me and my wife! Name that critter is a huge hit!
  • annoyed with new apps
    Meateater kids
    I listened to the first five episodes with my six year old daughter and we both really enjoyed all of them. I live in central WI, but am originally from the Chicago burbs, I am not a hunter or much of an angler. My daughter has done some fishing in the last couple years but hasn’t shown any passion for it. Regardless of these facts I listen to basically everything that your podcast network puts out and look forward to them every week. And now my little girl was already asking for more “kids” episodes.
  • Roundy_13
    I love Meateater as it is but now my kids beg to listen! Please make MEK a regular show!
  • Drew from the Mitten State
    MeatEater Kids!
    I’ve been a listener since the first episode of the MeatEater podcast, but this is the first comment I’ve ever took the time to write….my kids are begging for more MeatEater kids! We’ve listened to each episode multiple times, they love it, please continue this valuable resource!!!
  • Wayne Musgrave
    Meateater Kids
    My kids love Meateater kids! Every time they get in a vehicle with me they want to listen to another episode! Keep up the great work!
  • BryceB1129
    The ads are getting ridiculous
    I’ve been a long time listener and I’ve never had anything to complain about till now. I’m not sure why there is so many ads all of a sudden but it’s getting to the point where the podcast is hard to listen to. I want to listen but the poorly placed ads have pushed me away from this show. Please consider less ads.
  • Doghunterco
    Meateater kids
    My kids have loved listening to the regular podcasts. But now they beg for meateater kids. Please keep making these!
  • Great show!ioe
    Our family loves the kids show!
  • DECFamily
    Please keep making these!
    Our sons have loved all five Meateater Kids episodes and would love to listen to more. It’s entertaining and educational. As a hunting family we appreciate that Meateater teaches conservation and appreciating animals as a food source.
  • ThinRedLineGuy
    Love it all
    I love all of your shows but please make more kids shows. My kids ask every day when the next one will be out.
  • houndinjb
    Love the podcast and love the kid pod. Keep them going
  • AndNowWeDance
    Meateater Kids
    My 3 kids LOVE the kids podcast. Especially trivia and the critter sounds.
  • Coopermb133
    More meateater kids!
    The show is fantastic of course! But we need more of the meateater kids! My son (6) is thrilled to have a kids podcast and loves the format of these shows. They are educational for adults too!
  • A L Moore
    Meateater Kids
    I’ve listens to the regular podcast for years and look forward to trivia every week. The Friday I was looking for and anticipating the kids podcast and remembered after not seeing one that you were just doing 5 at first. My 10 year old daughter who is not an outdoorsy person, even asked about the meateater kids podcast when we got in the car. She said they were interesting and liked them. So I hope you all continue the Meateater Kids podcasts.
  • scootertrash1$!
    Pirate ship
    The ship your talkin about was called the erka a Spanish ship hunted by the pirates from nausa the series was called Black Sales. On your whitetail mental podcast couldn’t hear your mumbling guest
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